
3 years, 4 months ago



"Leave me alone! I'll cut you to fucking pieces!"

  • Name Bast
  • Age Unknown
  • Height 6'0
  • Occupation Cultist, Rapture
  • Sexuality Asexual
  • Personality

    Bast is intuitive and rational, especially in combat. He enjoys being himself alone, and can be shown to be ill-tempered, loud, and vulgar on people, sometimes a little physical. He can be sometimes the opposite, although it will be just him being aloof and wouldn't care whatever people does.

  • Likes Being alone, metal, catnips
  • Dislikes People, affection
  • Backstory

    Bast is a Rapture, a high-class robot from a special cult called The Order. Unlike the other two, his past life was recorded and archived under the hold of Leviathan, although he prevents Bast to know about this to prevent controversy.

    Bast's former life was a sacristan named Basilio, whose family is linked to the cult. After events of abuse and the total loss of his mother and brother, he murdered his father and a few cultsits out of blind rage. This reached the news of The Order and held Basilio captive as an experiment, permanently removed his memories, and thus gave birth to a new person: Bast.

    Bast leads a team of Earth Raptures that specializes in land combat and hunting. He is one of an only few robots who are part-human, making him extremely fragile.

    After the disappearance of Saint, Leviathan requested Bast and his men to find and spy over him as he has grown suspicious of his previous actions. And with each moment passing, he is coming closer and closer.

  • Cadacus Relationship

    He actively hates Cadacus, and sees him as an enemy and abomination, he acts vulgar and aggressive towards him, and would do anything to eliminate him and Saint.

  • Leviathan Relationship

    He reveres Leviathan and sees him as someone higher, and would submit to him. On surprising occasions, he has shown fear towards him, allowing Leviathan to assert his dominance and treat him poorly.

  • Saint Relationship

    Bast does not trust Saint as much as he respects him, the both have worked together and see each other as partners and comrades in arms.

  • Trivia
    • ● He possesses feline attributes, but does not "nya".
    • ● He is the shortest out of the three
    • ● He owns a bike, and goes out for night rides with his disciples.
    • ● Bast has a catnip bag, and he would bargain anything to have one if he ever runs out.
    • ● Additionally, he likes catnips more than anything, and can be distracted with it in combat.
    • ● He does not wear a helmet.

profile html by Hukiolukio