[Inkhling] Ask



9 years, 18 days ago

Basic Info




Inkhling Acolyte


Sticky and slow churning. Resembles Tree Sap in taste and smell as well as characteristics. Will often attract insects and small animals with the scent.




((Inkhlings info "Brother of the Thicket"

Rare: Fully Decayed Muzzle
Common: Long Body
Unnatural: Silken Ears
Unnatural:: Silken Tail
Common: Ear and Tail Tip Leak Spots
Uncommon: Hind Paw Leak Spots

Acolyte Adornments: Collar of roots and dry, twisted tree branches Twigs, leaves, etc stuck to sticky, stained tail Will often have several hundred insects, butterflies, etc surrounding them. ))

Personality: He can be a bit serious at times, though not all the time, he just tends to be a bit jaded when it comes to others. Once he trusts someone he loses up a bit and can relax, showing his more carefree side. Otherwise he tends to keep to himself and doesnt talk much. Although he loves who he is and what hes become, he sees himself as a bit of a monster. His self image is something hes not concerned with, but he knows how others might see him. So he keeps his distance and it doesnt bother him as much now then what it used to.
Likes: Nature and it's fauna (hes taken a very good liking to the living things around him; all sizes and shapes, he sees every creature as a life to be cherished) The parasite it devoured Life after death theories. The critters and bug that surround it, enticed by his sweet smelling innards (though they can bother him when they get too comfy and decide to make a home in his fur).
Dislikes: Those who refuse to move on Those who fear the unknown.
Fears: Losing the parasite, which would cause death.