


3 years, 4 months ago


Maddie's profile will be a mess until I get her story worked out and have the time to retype it properly


Quick notes - 

Madison is a vampire, but my version of vampires in this universe are a bit different from normal vampires. They still age, they can still eat normal food, they can still die and the sun is not really a big deal to them. BUT they can also eat raw meat/blood, they can live extremely long life spans, and are almost totally immune to regular human diseases. It also causes people's skin to grey, their teeth gets sharp, and their ears grow pointy. Their nails will also often begin to grow thicker and more like claws. Eyes will often turn an orange, red, or yellow color. But on rare occasion, a very light blue.

So Mina and Duke, after being reunited, team up with Tobi, Rose, and Paisley. They find Maddison as a child out on her own and decide they can't leave a kid out on their own and collectively 'adopt' her in a way, haha! 

It takes her a long time to talk about how she ended up out on her own, and seems to have blocked out a lot of what had happened. But the group gets the sense that it was probably a pretty awful attack by a group of vampires. Something Rose can very much relate to. It seems Maddie was the only one to survive. 

They end up finding a pretty decent settlement. They spend many years there, and Duke ends up teaching Maddison to play his banjo. And in the future he even gifts it to her, since he eventually is unable to play it anymore. 


Childhood - 

Her early childhood I'm still working on so I'll focus on her life with her new, found family. They live in a decent/safe settlement. First I'll talk a little about her relationships with each person. 

Just by nature Mina is definitely the most motherly in the group, she had spent her childhood raising her brother. So Maddison sort of sensed that in her right away and latched on. She found a lot of comfort in Mina, but it also meant that she'd act out the most and rebel more often with Mina. But for the most part, she did look up to her a lot and was eager to learn everything she had to offer. She learned both basic survival skills and very basic education from her. It made her extremely happy to make Mina proud. 

She became very attached to Duke, he was the 'fun' one and always had a plan when she was bored. They would sing songs together, and he would always encourage her wacky additions to lyrics, no matter how annoying it was to the others. She also loved to listen to the ridiculous stories he would make up for her (Or simply embellish) and she very much enjoyed snuggling with him and taking naps. She also loved hearing about the places he'd been, especially because he'd (conveniently) leave out the bad/worst parts, and had dreams of traveling and seeing all kinds of neat stuff with him when she was older. She also may have had a little kid crush on him. 

As for Tobi, she saw him as a father figure. He was very patient, loving and protective with her. She'd love to help him with fixing things, or really any project he was working on, she just loved to feel like she was helping. She saw him as a protector and he would be her first choice to seek comfort if something had scared her. She was also fiercely protective of him, so sometimes he'd pretend to scared of things she wasn't a let her deal with it for him. Such as bugs, frogs, ect. She loved being the hero haha!

She also had a strong bond with Rose, as Rose was the only other person like her that she knew. Rose had shared a similar trauma and had also become a vampire. Maddison found great comfort seeing that Rose was not a monster like the vampires that had attacked herself and her family. Even though Rose was kind of weird and kooky, Maddison loved just being around her. 

As for Paisley, Maddie had a bit of brotherly connection to him. He was around less than the others, but when she did spend time with him she loved to pick at him and try to get him annoyed. This was quiet a task though, as Paisley is a bit too aloof. But that only made it all the more fun. 


Adulthood - 

In her adulthood Maddison suffered a loss that sent her into a bit of a spiral. She'd been living happily and safely with her little family, when Duke died. And although she'd been aware that it was going to happen, it was very hard for her. He'd left her his banjo, which she would rename Darcey. This event caused her to make a pretty rash decision, in her desperation to find a way to cope she ran away one night. Although she was an adult and could leave any time she wanted of course. But she simply left a note and disappeared one night. 

The others were, of course, very upset to say the least. They had no idea and no clues as to where she might be going. 

She really hadn't planned it out very well, but had expected to not be gone TOO long. She had simply wanted to find some kind of closure, but ended up finding herself on a bit of a larger journey than expected.