The Shadows Within

Ombubratio Intus: The Shadows Within

Year 1928, in the Bay Area. As the Prohibition strikes in the country, the streets of Ocean City were not ready to welcome simultanously a raging explosion of its criminality, an economical crisis, the takeover of an underground government under the name of Government of Shadows, presidented by Margaret [REDACTED], and an invasion of futuristic robots taking place in the very city. So much to stop, yet so little time... who knows what could happen in the span of a week?
A fanwork inspired by Shadows over Loathing (2022), property of Asymmetrical Publications.
This story also includes original characters by kiwinatorwaffles ! What you will see here are going to be for my original characters only, follow the link provided previously to access Kiwi's own ocs. Enjoy!






Becky Puntchallow
Astaflor Isbel
Henry Haznau Neim
Betty Dieot

Coraline B. Tretchy

Camellia Puntchallow