Everlost Ocean

The Everest Ocean, the Kingdom specialized in Battle Magic. This kingdom is a nigh-endless ocean, with several different archipelagos and islands in its waters serving as home to the denizens of Everlost who aren't able to live in its massive underwater cities. Like any ocean, the waters are never calm or crashing for long- as such, landbound architecture is built to be both flexible and easily rebuildable. 

Competition lies at the heart of Everlost's culture as a whole- high-octane theatrical battles that culminate in a showdown at the Calypso Hippodrome literally keep Everlost's magic together, and pirates are less merciless marauders and more unionized seafarers engaging in friendly- if fierce- battles. 

Popular in Everlost is the sport of Sea-shredding- a theatrical performance turned race across the waves where the racers wear elaborate costumes with stage names to match and their boats come with wild, unbelievable magical weapons to help them win. So long as you don't bring direct harm to the other racers, everything is fair game. Sea-shredding is somewhat of a tourist attraction in Everlost, drawing people from all planes to come watch.