Dungeons and Dragons

“The world is not in your books and maps.

It is out there.”


Aesthir, Light of Hope, is an Aasimar paladin and servant of Helm. Her foster parents, a noble family and members of the Helm Order, raised her to believe she was not less than a messiah and a messenger of their God himself. So Aesthir has questionable views on "good and bad", just like many celestial beings do, and she sees herself above humans.   

Paladin Golarion


Jenna Aurilier was an orphan raised in a girls' orphanage where she was educated to be "a lady" so that she might someday serve House Renier. Something didn't work out for Jenna to become a lady. But she found a way to get Jacqueline Renier's attention and prove herself worthy of the house, building her reputation as a rogue.          


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