Krozathis OC's


»»-----------LEGENDS OF KROZATHIS-----------►


Krozathis is a world collaboration between myself, Arkyn_Viking, and my best friend ArcaneGuardians.

It is a mature Dark Fantasy world with some realism, it is inhabited by anthro animals and takes inspiration from things like The Witcher, LOTR, POTC, GOT, Xena, D&D, and other similar properties.

Warnings: blood, gore, extreme violence, death, adult themes, heavy topics.


The following information is a basic run down of lore and stories of Krozathis and it's characters. Enjoy!


»»-----------Subject: OCs-----------►


Vesemir, Celeborn, Basilius, Valdemar, Veric, Kane, Adder, Gevaudan, Lara, Asmodius, Lucian, Drayven, Frey, Davorin, Faramir, Cadogan, Aridam, Evander, Bates, Lestat, Thanatos, Balzar, Devorah, Cosmos, Oren, Cirrus, Zinnia, Koen, Adrastos, Leon,

RP ONLY: Caspian, Corbin, Zayne, Conan, Pyro, Radburn, Agni,


Akira, Arcane, Atari, Jake, Shay, Akara, Alaster, Angel, Azaziel, Blackfur, Dimitri, Grim, Jade, Jasper, Nyx, Radogan, Rayne, Red, Sila, Tera, Verca, Xavier, Berylla, Dahlia, Derek, Diego, Kosmas, Max, Milo, Monet, Setaphae, Thyra, Verrik, Vestri, Xendri, Castiel,


»»-----------Subject: Timeline-----------►

An age or era in time: made up of more than one century (100 years)


::First Age::

Generation 1: Drayven, Lucian, Asmodius, Pyro, Thanatos, Davorin, Leon,

Generation 2: Kane, Devorah, Vesemir, Cadogan, Caspian, Frey, Lestat, Oren

Generation 3: Celeborn, Adder, Corbin, Gevaudan, Faramir, Evander, Balzar

Generation 4: Basilius, Conan, Zayne, Lara, Lysander,

::Second Age::

Generation 1: Valdemar, Cirrus

Generation 2: Veric

Generation 3:

Generation 4:

Note: Asmodius, Pyro, Frey, Cosmos, Lucian are immortal.


»»-----------Subject: The Beginning-----------►

Dinosaurs ruled the world of Krozathis with a heavy fist in the beginnings of Krozathis, being the largest most powerful animals they did most of the heavy lifting and pathed the way of mighty kingdoms. However these kingdoms weren't really treated as such, they were more like glorified tribes/factions in the beginning. The nature of most dinosaurs is brutal, they do what they must to survive each other and that occasionally means bloody wars and battles. The main causes being a simple divide between predator and prey and territory/resources disputes. With dinosaurs in charge every other lesser creature felt the stress and burdens of their rule.

Second in command to the dinosaurs, or running their own kingdoms, are the next largest/powerful animals, being smilodon, mammoths, dire wolves, and other prehistoric animals. These are the only mammals the dinosaur leaders will accept as their predecessors because they acknowledged their strength and power.

However there were also many dinosaurs and mammals who believed the world could be a better place without tyrants controlling it, and it wouldn't be too long before they started fighting to help shape the future of Krozathis to be a better one.


»»-----------Subject: The North/Natives-----------►

Note:The majority of our characters and information are located in the North of Krozathis.

The North is a wild and dangerous place, not yet broken in by the settlers. The North holds a much stronger sense of darkness and unknown magic than the other continents of Krozathis.

There are many small kingdoms, towns and villages spread throughout the North, created by those who got lucky enough to survive the harsh wilds of this new land.

However the kingdoms of Lior and Eris are the largest and have the most widespread power and control due to a series of lucky and unnatural events.

Reindeer are one of few natives of the North.

When the settlers came it was Davorin and some of his friends who helped them by giving them tips and tricks on how to survive and warning them of the many dangers the North has to offer, sharing their wisdom and stories because they didn't have the hearts to see the newcomers suffer or die.

Other Notes: Davorin and his friends, and eventually all the other reindeer will acknowledge that Drayven and his people are truly wonderful. Skeptical and weary at first, but moved and relieved to see how much they care about life, respecting and appreciating everything around them. So the reindeer have a peaceful alliance with them.

However, the same can't be said about Drayven's mother who formed an alliance with demons, as their darkness and hatred spreads and grows the reindeer become more agitated and worried.


»»-----------Subject: The Two Kingdoms-----------►

::Kingdom Of Lior:: ((Good))

First King: Drayven

First Queen: Akara

Constable: Davorin


Second King: Castiel

Second Queen: Devorah

Constable: Cadogan


Third King: Vesemir

Third Queen: Tera

Constable: Faramir


::Kingdom Of Eris:: ((Evil))

First King: N/A

First Queen: Name


Second King: Kane

Second Queen: Dahlia


Third King: Gevaudan

Third King: Red


::Quick Notes::

Drayven and his mother, ((name)), were the ones to discover the North and lead the first immigration there. However a power struggle ensued as they fought over who should lead and how. His mother had big plans to turn this new place into her kingdom, to rule over it all and be untouchable, and take revenge on the kingdoms who wronged her. Drayven however saw this as an opportunity to create his utopia he'd been dreaming about, a united kingdom of carnivores and herbivores. Despite having a decent relationship with his mother, for far too long he viewed her leadership as cruel and heartless. This causes a division, with half their people splitting up to either follow Drayven or his mother.

Those who followed ((name)) ended up making dark discoveries as they traversed the land, discoveries that gave them a huge advantage in moving forward with their civilization. Help from demons.

At first it wasn't easy to persuade the demons into helping them, in fact they were almost killed for seemingly wasting the demons time. But it was ((name)) who struck the deal, the demons admired her for she showed no fear, she spoke with a confident and demanding tone. They could see the blackness in her heart and the power she possessed just by merely existing. ((Names)) offer in exchange for their help would be the souls of the innocent, those who followed her son Drayven. The demons agreed to this offer, and even offered more.

Because demons have a wicked sense of fun and humor they wanted to be able to experiment on the soulless bodies of their victims, turning them into powerful creatures. This greatly intrigued ((name)) who then told the demons she would gladly offer her soul and her services to them if she could use their creations for her backup army, and be able to use it on her own soldiers to make them stronger. And with that the alliance between ((name)) and the demons was created.

::Lior Notes::

The symbol for flags and banners Drayven created for his kingdom is that of a golden tyrannosaurus rex with the sun behind it.

The rex: a symbol of great strength, resilience, tenacity, and adaptability.

The light: a symbol of life, unity, hope, and a bright future.

The kingdom of Lior at first was almost the perfect utopia Drayven wanted, however as the generations go by it slowly begins to be corrupted by its new leaders.

Lior keeps a dark secret from its people and the monster hunters that serve them. That secret being that, while yes there are natural born monsters that roam the wilds, the larger and more aggressive ones that plagued their land didn't start out as monsters. In fact they were once people too. King Castiel and Queen Devorah are fully aware that anyone who ends up missing has been taken and horribly transformed/mutated into the monsters everyone fears. However, they are unaware of who or what is behind these disturbing events because the land they call home is horribly infested with evil.

Unknown to them it is the Kingdom of Eris who is taking Lior's people, where their souls are taken by demons and bodies modified to become the monsters everyone fears. And while Eris is also a powerhouse of a kingdom, rivaling Lior, they are extremely manipulative, all their interactions so far with Lior and most places have been fairly positive, making all of their evil intent and actions fly under the radar.

Side Note: When Drayven's mother was queen everyone knew Eris was a kingdom to fear as she brutally tried to destroy Lior and her son many times. But through the generations the new King and Queen of Eris, Kane and Dahlia, persuaded everyone that they were changing the kingdoms ways to be better, going so far as to help Lior time to time, attend important meetings or festivities, etc, just to maintain their good appearance and growing reputation. All the while they secretly kept up ((names)) evil work, building and training their armies and forming alliances all over the North with other shady and dark individuals and places.

In an effort to maintain some peace and order in Lior over the monster problems they face, the king and queen have weaved a web of lies, telling their people that the monsters are naturally born that way, they are just dangerous wild beasts. They also came up with many lies as to why people were going missing in order to keep suspicions low.

The royal family keeps a large book of records however, that their constable keeps track of, records on who was turned into a monster, what lie was told to cover it up, which monster hunter killed them, how they were killed, how much the hunter was paid, and what happened to the body afterwards; if it was used to feed the people of Lior or another purpose.

Side Note 1: Carnivores and herbivores are able to live together in Lior because carnivores eat other meats, such as fish and insects, it was the first law Drayven put in place to achieve his dream. However, terrible as it was since King Castiel and Queen Devorah know the monsters were people, they made the choice to use the slain beasts as another food source.

Side Note 2: Castiel and Devorah are the ones who created the monster hunter program and created its extremely harsh rules and forms of training.

While the king and queens actions and choices would be seen in poor taste, keeping secrets and lying to everyone, they justify their choices on the facts that there is no current or known cure(s) for those turned into monsters at this time, and unwilling to deal with them until a potential cure exists, they created the monster hunters to kill them, an act seen as mercy to end their suffering, and the choice to eat them, or sell parts of the body that could be useful in other ways, is to not waste them.

Side Note 3: Due to the years of lies, people fully believe that all monsters are evil and should be killed on sight because they fear all the stories they've been told and the things they've seen. So much so that anyone who knows the truth and tries to help the monsters will lose the public's favor and in a best case scenario will be cast out, and in the worst case scenario an angry mob will harm the person.

It's not until the famous hunter Vesemir and princess/queen Tera start speaking about the truth and showing the evidence that the public finally realizes what's going on. When the truth is finally out and the people are furious, the king and queen will try to smoothen things over by telling them there isn't any known cures for the monsters, and that killing them is sadly the right thing to do, hard as it may be, not only to protect the kingdom and everyone from their blind rage, but also killing them is an act of mercy to end their suffering.


Tera's parents will tell her the truth about the monsters, even having Cadogan, their constable, show her the book of records about it as preparation for her being queen one day. She is horrified and appalled by this, mainly for the fact that her parents know this is happening and it's wrong, yet they actively didn't try to find cures, merely being complacent in covering everything with lies, and creating the monster hunters to kill them as a solution, this infuriates Tera.

When the family has a monster infestation in the castle during a harsh winter they pay Vesemir, the best hunter at the time, to take care of it. Tera doesn't stop Vesemir from doing his job, but instead she is subtly testing him to see if she can trust him with the knowledge she now knows, in doing so the two end up getting fairly close and begin to form feelings.

In the meantime she snoops around the castle trying to find anything else her family is keeping a secret, but it's her Constable to be, Faramir, who opens up to her and shows her a secret room that the first King, Drayven, had created. A room that would hold many written works of his goals, dreams, hopes, beliefs, and so on for his kingdom, among other things such as the kingdom's history like how it came to be. This was done as a backup in case his vision got blurred with new generations.

With this new discovery and knowing what's been going on causes inner chaos for Tera, shes seeing a lot she doesn't like, she's feeling kinda helpless and she's scared because she loves her people, often having roamed the kingdom to spend time amongst them. She doesn't really know what to do now, but knows she no longer wants to stay here.

She forms a plan with Faramir, telling him she's going to leave for some time, feeling she can't be a good queen right now, she will leave and try to help people and find a cure, while Faramir will stay behind and try to help this kingdom the best he can.

((Faramir will end up becoming king for a while while Tera is gone, basically sprung into the role out of desperation for the king and queen not having another heir and becoming too old to rule, he ends up in an arranged but loving marriage and tells his queen about Tera and their plans, she understands. When Tera returns they step down and give her the crown.))

Over dinner Tera officially makes up her mind that she wants to leave after a stressful and heartbreaking conversation with her mother and Derek ((Tera arranged husband)). She asks Vesemir if she can leave with him to which he accepts and they leave that night.

When Tera runs away with Vesemir it becomes a huge step for them both in shaping the future. It's at this time she informed Vesemir of the horrible secrets about the monsters, which both deeply saddened and infuriates him, he now vows to help Tera find a cure. Tera, no longer confined to the castle walls and gates of the kingdom, now understands how deeply this problem is affecting everything through seeing it first hand, feeling it, and living it. As she works with Vesemir to find solutions and figure out what exactly is behind the monsters, she is also discovering herself, who she is and who she wants to be. Through it all she decides the best way she can help the monsters is by becoming queen so she'll have the power to right the wrongs, to stop all the madness and suffering she's seen.

Side Note: When Tera is queen she will make many changes to the kingdom, including the armor the soldiers wear to be modeled after Drayven, to honor and respect him and his dream.


»»-----------Subject: Other Important Places-----------►

Isle of the lost:

Losfroary, Sanctuary of the Lost:

Deaangire, Empire of the Dead:

Valley of the Red Sword: A redwood forest with a giant red rock carved into the shape of a sword in the center. The people who live here are a group of rebellious warriors who disagreed with their unjust kingdoms. They live a relatively free life but they also offer their strength to good causes, willing to fight for the people who need them. Their leader is named Adrastos. He's a large, muscular, scar littered red boar.

Nexus of the Witches: A hidden place inhabited by witches and warlocks. ((When Vesemir and Tera travel here for information or possibly cures for monsters, Tera discovers she's got a gift for witchcraft.))

The Ancient Sea:

Frolocand, The Ancient Land:

The broken territories:

Deagialds, Fields of the Dead:

Elvelvnse, The Ethereal Expanse:

Lake of the elders:


»»-----------Subject: Demons/Angels/Reapers-----------►



Angels typically don't get involved with the hardships of mortals, believing they must do things for themselves.

However, there are few who do it out of pity or worry, but once they go down to earth and start interacting with mortals they are banished from heaven, giving them the title of fallen angel. But that is not the only punishment, they are also forced to live a mortal life, they will experience growing old, their powers fading away, and death.

So before they die they try and help the people however they can, giving them their knowledge or crafting special angelic items for them.







»»-----------Subject: Monster Hunters-----------►


Being the first successful and famous monster hunter Vesemir had a powerful reputation that overshadowed him, depicted as gruff and rough, stern, emotionless,

When Vesemir learns the truth about the monsters from Tera he will be filled with anger and grief at the realization he's been spilling innocent blood, feeling betrayed by the king and queen, determined to try and amend all the wrong he and the hunters have unknowingly done. He will tell the other hunters they've been lied to and show them the proof. This causes a massive change in events now that the hunters feel shame, regret, anger, etc. The hunters begin to change their ways, now determined to save the monsters rather than kill them, and start a movement against king Castiel and queen Devorah to let the truth be known far and wide.

Side Note: However even after knowing the truth sometimes hunters get put into positions where they have to kill in self defense or be killed themselves, should this happen they will say a prayer and bury the body out of respect for who the monster was as a person.


His mother ((Vesemir's sister)) married a monster hunter. ((Both are deceased from a monster attack.))

When Celeborn was a young teenager going through his monster hunter training he was ambushed by soldiers of the evil kingdom and overpowered to take a potion they created that would turn him into a monster and make him work for their king ((The evil kingdom feared and admired Vesemir's bloodline and wanted them.)) Their plan only half worked however as Celeborn was saved by his classmates, but he was now half monster.

At first Celeborn was ashamed and discouraged, the event led to him being kicked out of the program. It also caused him to have severe mood swings where he'd act out like a monster, but Vesemir took Celeborn under his wing and continued to train him and give him encouragement, helping get his monster half under control. He discovered a cover up spell to hide Celeborn's monster appearance from the public.

However it wasn't long before Tera took her throne and began implementing changes, including changes to the monster hunter program, no longer was it a facility focused on killing monsters, now it's goal was to help them. And thus Celeborn was able to go back and continue his training.

Through his training they discovered that Celeborn's monster abilities were a huge advantage in being able to help monsters.

Side Note: By the time remedies began to be made to help/fix monsters, Celeborn had already gotten used to being half monster and relies heavily on his monster abilities.





::Quick Notes::

Monster Hunters were created as a solution against the North's many dangers, their job was to protect the people from the monsters that roamed the vast wilderness.

This process was done by taking children from their families and forcing them into training, it was expected that at least one child from every family be put through this program, if they or their family refused they would be either publicly shamed, imprisoned, or even put to death for defying the king's orders.

The children who went with the soldiers would be taken miles away from home to a small castle built into a mountain side, this is where they would stay until they became young adults.

During their time living there the kids would endure intense training and tests, not just against each other and their trainers, but also against real monsters and real dangerous scenarios in the wild. This method of training ensured that only those strong enough would survive, those who were fully capable of protecting the North.

The ones who completed their training walked out as altered people. Their senses, physical strength and stamina are far superior than the average person's. They are also more tolerable to weather and have a higher pain tolerance.

Being subjected to many horrors has made them incredibly focused, patient, adaptable, and independent. While it was unethical it was very successful.

While Vesemir is now king after marrying Tera, making their bloodline royalty, his nephew Celeborn and his bloodline have made it their purpose to travel the world and help monsters everywhere and slay the true villains, demons, with weapons that have been created by fallen angels, for only weapons that hold angelic magic can kill a demon. Thus going from monster hunters to demon slayers.


»»-----------Subject: Powerful Beings-----------►



The kingdom of Eris has a tendency to recruit and give special privileges to certain powerful entities, the main goal here is to make the kingdom extremely powerful and untouchable, but the benefits and rewards are worth it for allies. Lucian caught their attention when he became the Lord of all vampires after killing the previous Lord.


He's mastered the ways of ancient magic, making him far more powerful than the majority of magic users, able to do things they can't. Over time this magic even altered his physical appearance.

He is able to grant people's wishes, be it knowledge, an item, healing the sick, granting wealth, etc. However, the person must be willing to make a sacrifice for the gift, and or, be willing to do him a favor/service in return. This sacrifice can be a small or big one, so long as the person views it as a high sacrifice because this thing means a lot to them and would be hard to part with, he will accept it.

He seems to have a soft glow around him due to the power he possesses. He is often referred to as a god amongst men, and those who know nothing about him and see him for the first time think he's a god from the cosmos itself.


»»-----------Subject: Other Important Beings-----------►

Currently N/A


»»-----------Subject: OC Connections-----------►

Vesemir X Tera → Unnamed child

Celeborn X Verca → Basilius

((Vesemir is Celeborns Uncle))

Basilius X Xendri? → ((Nyx maybe?))

Nyx X N/A → Valdemar

Valdemar X Jade → Veric


Kane X Dahlia → Adder

Gevaudan X Red → Pandora, Max, Conan, Zayne (all adopted)

((Max and Lara are blood brother and sister))


Cadogan is Faramir's father

((Davorin possibly Cadogans father??))


Asmodius X Lilith → Blackfur, Azaziel, Alaster, Sila

Blackfur X Frey →


»»-----------Subject: Hierarchy-----------►




Tend to stay out of the affairs of mortals. If an angel decides to help them they are then banished from heaven and are now classified as fallen angels. Angels are immortal until they become fallen angels. And as if not being able to return to heaven wasn't bad enough they also lose their immortality, destined to eventually wither and pass away alongside this process their powers get weaker and weaker until they fade away.


Those who still have immense spiritual power but are by no means creators. Tend to look after the lower Arches and help any way they can, specifically with mortals.


Heavily likes to influence mortals and tamper with them. Get into everybody's business any way they possibly can.


the demons and Reapers have such bad blood because reapers tend to devour souls if they get to them before they fully pass, and thus the souls don't go to heaven nor hell, and the demons don't like that because they like to recruit as many souls as possible. Higher stakes souls are those who did more in life to become famous/high in power and stuff. Most of the Reaper/Demon quarrels happen when fighting for souls.


Magical power may be possessed. By no means stronger than any other creature in the hierarchy, they are “plain” if you will. Bottom of the food chain. Through training from a guardian may become stronger than a higher being, but is very rare.


code by hanyu