
The smallest of all three-realms of Tritopia is the tiny fairyland town of Petalsburg. Fae and other mythical beings reside in this quiet cottagecore village where flowers bloom and vibrant greenery grows in every corner. Petalsburg is highly protective of its natural environments, making their enchanted forests, national parks, and beaches popular for tourists and travelers alike. Shy, but friendly faces are often found by its inhabitants, as they welcome all who wish to escape from the busy urban life and live more simply with nature. Every day is a wonder with magical places to explore, many untouched by man. People come and go from Petalsburg perfumed by the calming aroma of flowers, a pocket of peace to take home with them.

Common themes to these characters include: Magic, fantasy, fairy/species lore, art/nature appreciation, environmental awareness, religious themes, and mild to moderate mental illness.

Some characters will have individualized warnings with topics that may be triggering to some viewers. Please read over them carefully before proceeding.

rp adult single male white female boy magic girl black taken pastel green kemonomimi blue pink pokemon pokejinka fantasy yellow