🍁 Fall Auction


This is a non-Vday sale auction folder!! A handful of characters are up for auction now for those sweet fall vibes!

Check out my full Terms and Conditions on my website.

Patrons in the Froggo+ Tier may use their 5% discount towards the final cost!



There will be a 5 minute snipe-guard in place.

5 Minute Snipe Guard

5 minutes has to pass without a new bid for the auction to officially end on a character. As long as people bid faster than 5 minutes, the auction will keep going. This is to prevent sniping.

Payment Plans Over $100

Plans are allowed for any final bids over $100, but require a down payment. Message to discuss if needed! You do not FULLY OWN the character until the payment plan is completed (consider it co-owned til then).

Payment is in USD only

Payment is via Paypal. However, other options like check, Venmo, or stripe are also acccepable. Message me to discuss.

Character Species Rules

Most characters come with no rules except for our closed species characters. Below are the rules for each species that are available for sale. Please let me know if you ever want to sell one of your Shantyland critters in the future and I might offer to buy them from you first.

cloverpup shantyland groll barasva NFS birdfolk Royal Shepherd colonel canine Cloverpup Shantyland closed species Birdfolk rabbit hybrid Barasva anthro stillwater closedspecies cloverdile