Cosmind's Bulletins

Phoslyte Specie infodump!

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago by Cosmind

Mostly a copy-paste of the google doc but here's a more in-depth dive into Lemres's species (some of the images might be slightly outdated still!)

The species is open for you to make your own and this info guide do not have to be followed 100%. You can put your own spin on things as long as you give me proper credits.


> Phoslytes live on Phobos, Mars’s biggest moon. While they live there it’s pretty clear that they are not native from there as the moon is completely barren and not life friendly. Judging by their appearance (very pale skin, levitation capabilities and glowing hair) it would be quite possible for them to be a hybrid mix between Greys and Nordics (perhaps some Human also) that ended on one of Mars moon and built a colony there. Greys loving to conduct biological experiments, they could be the result of a very old hybridization test.

> To live on Phobos They have created huge domes. While these massive bubbles looks clear, they are actually made with their very common Amber tech. Just like with spaceship cores, these domes are much bigger inside than out.


> Earth History is a mandatory course in Phobosian school but most are not interested in it. They are not hostile toward humans, just uninterested. They are also neutral toward most other alien races. (They are a very small population so even if they wanted to be hostile they wouldn’t have the army power to do anything)

> Most Phoslytes eventually leave Phobos to find better living space as their moon is small and barren. Even if the domes are big inside, the space available is still fairly limited and creating new cores of this size for new domes is no longer possible. Any large core created these days are exclusively used for spaceships.

> Phobos and it’s inhabitant has not record of any type of wars (withing themselves or other races). They are very peaceful and diplomatic for the most part.


> Phoslytes have Pale greyish blue skin (there are some darker skinned individuals but even those are paler then how dark human can get).

> Their hair glow from the excess electrical energy coursing through their body. When weakened, sick or dead their hair do not produce any light leaving their hair jet black. Injuries can result in permanent black spots in the hair.


>The color of their hair never change since birth but it’s unclear how it’s defined as children can sport colors entirely different from their parents (A yellow Phoslyte and Green Phoslyte can give birth to a Pinkphoslyte)

> They have human-like hand but with no nails and gecko-like fingerprints. Their feet have 3 toes and the same gecko grip.


> Their diet mostly consist of plant produces as it’s harder for them to farm animals on their colony, but just like lots of herbivores from earth they will gobble meat if the opportunity is presented to them. However even if they end up somewhere than give them permanent access to meat they will limit their intake due to folktale talking of Phoslytes going mad and ravenous, corrupted by the flesh.

> They have neurocables/biocables hidden in their hair in pairs from 2 to 6 (2 being the standard and 6 being nearly unheard off anymore). They use these to plug into other lifeforms and read their emotions but only that! they can't clearly read minds and dreams! they can feel you're sad but not what you're sad about. Additionally those connected can/will feel soothed by the Phoslyte.

> The tip of the neurocables are not needles that jam themselves into a surface but the soft network of thin veins that can easily weave itself between scales and though pores. (Here's and IRL gif of what it's like when the inner cable "plug itself" into the skin: Worm and "disturbing content" warning!)

> These neurocables can also be plugged into machines as long as it has the proper ports and connectors inside. When plugged, Phoslytes can either power their device with their innate electrical energy surplus (same energy that makes their hair glow) or control the device with direct brain commands.

> There is currently no canon depiction of their genitals! but here is a semi-canon (aka you can ignore it if you want) bit of sex/gender/sexuality lore doc I made (warning for images of peepees and veevees but more in a "biology textbook" way and not a "naughty smutporn" way

Additional note: While the up to date anatomy has been show above, there are to possible alts: The one with vestigial nipples in the pelvic area (as useless as human male nipples) and a “chest core” alt.


Amber Tech

Phoslyte have what the call Amber Technology. Despite it’s name it’s not made out of Earth Amber but some sort of squishy material that conduct and stores energy really well. It’s featured on a lot of Phobosian tools:

> Bodysuit cores: Store power, Charge devices, Emit light

> E-vac cores: Shrink and convert into data object in order to store them inside, space capacity is way much bigger than what the outer appearance may suggest

> Spaceship Mega cores: Instead of just storing everything as raw data like the E-vac, it feature an inner non-euclidean space (The inside is much bigger than the core size). There is still a mild form of data-conversion somewhere in the process even if it's not completely clear. Phoslytes being vessel full of electrical energy they have no issue with it and neither do most plants but animals from earth (human included) show sign of health deterioration when inside a core for too long (this is why maintaining fauna of Phobos is hard).

> Stasis shelves: Store stuff without shrinking/datafying them, they can be seen inside the amber. While inside their decomposition is drastically slowed (DOES NOT WORK ON LIVING BEINGS!)

> Amber Glasses: can improve one’s eye sight if faulty but are mainly a piece of tech quite similar to a smart watch as it provide the wearer informations and remind them of notable events. 

> Portable cores: Comes in many sizes, usually work like a bodysuit core if unmodified.

Shown below: Bodysuit core (top left), E-Vac core (bottom left), Stasis shelf (Middle), Ship core (right)


Neurocable Tech

Another big part of Phoslyte Anatomy and technology is the biocable. As mentioned previously, they have head tendrils and they built tech around it. There are many devices they can plug into to both power and control such as instruments, computers, weapons and more.



> Echo Pups and Echo Grubs: Echo pups can easily be judged by their names: one one had they are dog-like in both behaviour and status toward Phoslyte, and on the other they use echolocation to navigate like bats. They are kind of a mix between mammal and insectoid. Adult Echo pups give birth to live-grubs (no eggs) and do initially feed their young milk (they sweat their milk, they don't have teats) until the grub grow teeth they can chew food with. Eventually the grub will pupate, spend a couple month int their cocoon before re-emerging as their adult form.




> Yoozles: Also referred to as Slimes by humans, they are gelatinous being that originate form early Amber Core technology. The very first Yooyles were pretty much core that got corrupted by Phoslite energy and became living beings. They initially were all Amber-colored by after years of breeding they now come in all kinds of colors. Some of them can still act as cores/store objects but most do not.



> Fairies: These insectoids are named after the human mythological faes but are not whatever the real fairies might be. You can however find some of these on Earth thanks to irresponsible Phoslites releasing their pet fairies into the Terran wilds. There are many subtypes of fairies:


  • Pollen Fairies are the most common ones and are vastly used in the agricultural field. They are also the most docile and easy-to-care-for fairies making them common “entry pets”.
  • Hunting Fairie: These aggressive fairies were one of two by-product of early simulated wildlife back when Phoslytes attempted to maintain livestock from earth. These Fairies are carnivores and mostly hunt other fairies for food or scavenge from fresh corpses.
  • Tooth Fairies: These are the second livestock-experiment by-product, they feed on bones rather than flesh unlike their hinting counterparts. They are named tooth fairies since they like to take the teeth from carcasses to decorate their nests during mating season.
  • Hawk Fairies: These were bread from both Hunting Fairies and Pollen Fairies to create a new species that would pollinize crops like the green fairies but also fight off the aggressive purple ones as well as other parasites. It didn't work however and they are even more aggressive than Hunting fairies. They are however very popular as an exotic pet (but hard to take care of).
  • Arctic Fairies: Acclimated to cold environments, these are the only fairies that live in large hives rather than individual nests. That aside they are functionally identical to pollen fairies. Them needing to live in colder dome make them less likely to be kept as pets.


Phobos being barren, most fruits, veggies and other plants are mutated or scientifically-modified plants imported from Earth and other planets. OOC Note: some of the followings are reworked/retooled concepts from a previous work of mine. Most of them were modified to be easily farmed inside ship taking as little space as possible, especially with wall crops.



> Harpeechas: These huge heart-shaped vine fruits originate from a planet unknown to the phoslyte that was gifted to them by the Greys. They originally were small and grew in clusters like grapes but now Grow in singular units and can be as big as someone’s head. They taste like “blue strawberries”. The solid seed inside is often used to make perfume.fruits2.png


> Cocktail fruits: These hard-shelled pear-shaped fruits seem like they could be related to either bottle gourds or pears but are in fact distants cousins of the passion fruit. To eat the fruit you have to vigorously shake it to loosen and mush-up the insides, you then cut off the top and drink the smoothie inside. It tastes like a mix between peach and salted caramel.fruits4.png


> Deep Melons: These altered watermelon were modified with the same process that made passion fruits into cocktail fruits, resulting in a similar hard-shelled mutation. These can be grown either out or under water, how deep they are grown affect both their texture and taste. Melons grown out of water are firm with a very sweet “tropical sports drink” taste while ones coming from the depth are softer with a very sour “red berries mix” flair. Letting them ferment inside their own shell creates a fruity alcohol that is very popular amongst Nordics.fruits3.png


> Dorel Pips: Another imported fruit from a foreign plates. The insides look strikingly similar to oranges but taste nothing like it nor like any citrus fruit for that matter, the flavor is much closer to honey and roses.fruits5.png


> Arcatia Nuts: These are pretty much just very large hazelnuts. Their taste is however slightly altered, bioengineers managed to make then taste like sweetened hazelnut cocoa spread. These are their world source of “chocolate products”.fruits1.png


> Phoslytes write in a 26 letter alphabet that most likely evolved from human's Latin alphabet. Same goes for their numbers and Arabic numerals. It's clear that human culture was a big influence on the Phoslyte population. their spoken speech sound like a mix between slavic languages and old latin somehow. Font pack Download


> Common Adjectives related to the species:

  • Phobosian: Inhabitants of Phobos. It’s common for humans to say Phobians instead but it is not correct!
  • Phoslitic: Something/objects made by or originating from Phoslytes. A synonym for it is Phoslitian but it’s outdated/only used in certain dialects.
  • Martian: While Phoslytes live on one of Mars’s moon they do not called themvelves Martians and are very against being called-so. It is seen as kind of a slur to them!


> There's this old Picrew you can make your Own Phoslyte. Try it Now!


> The new Layered base, Includes both a SAI and PSD version!


> Other alien design I made as part of the phoslyte universe, these concept* are F2U with proper credit *some of these are less species concept but more personal interpretation of mainstream species (ei: Nordics, Greys and Reptilians)


Some have alt designs


 I will come back to this bulleting to edit some things. I might also move this to the Literature tab? idk.

Speedrawing 3

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by Cosmind

Should I keep posting these as bulletins?

10 Votes Yes
0 Votes No

Speedrawing 2 Electric Boogaloo

Posted 1 year, 11 months ago by Cosmind


Posted 2 years, 4 days ago by Cosmind

Free ressource bill of info UPDATED

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by Cosmind

Point one: Rule breaking

The free ressource archive I posted only has a few rules:

  • Credits not obligatory but appreciated
  • Editing is allowed
  • Do not use to promote harmful content
  • Not for monetary use*
  • Do not link this account as an on-site artist when crediting! Use the off-site feature so it doesn't flood my art tab! 

It's stated in the rules of my Free-2-use ressources that they are NOT FOR MONETARY USES but I've been told some people are trying to sell adoptables from some of the bases provided. I honestly don't have the energy to police everyone right now and I understand people need money so Im not gonna hunt down these people and tell them "dont do that". I'd rather people follow the rules yes but I also dont want to ruin what might be someone's current only source of income. If I find out too many people are abusing this kindness I will take down the ressources.

*I will now allow the use of the bases for adoptables under the condition that you buy me 1 kofi (3$) as i feel it would be fair :) 

Point two: crediting


This kinda goes hand in hand with rule-breaking. I'd really prefer if people used the off-site link to credit me so it doesn't show up in my art tab but I also feel bad 'scolding' people for doing it 'the wrong way'. Yes I considered making a separate account for ressources but it's only one character listing so making an entire new account just for that seems a bit much, especially considering how much I draw and how often I might add new ressources making it annoying to switch between accounts multiple times a day (if switching accounts was as easy as it is on twitter then maybe I'd reconsider). So yeah if you could use the off-site link (linking to either my toyhouse or twitter) instead of on-site would be great

Point three: requests

If you have suggestion and requests for bases, Templates, Background (scene or pattern), Icon borders or anything ressource-like feel free to comment them below. It's not guaranteed Ill do every requests I get but Ill try to make some

Comments disabled. DMs only

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by Cosmind

So in my for-sale folder as well as pretty much ever promo post I made about my adoptable I clearly ask people to DM ME if they are interested in an adoptable. I still have a handful of people reaching me via comments instead. I do not wish to execute business in the public section.

Understand that it's for YOUR (the buyer's) safety. I don't want any of you to put your paypal out only some a third party to send an invoice pretending to be me and you get scammed. IT HAPPENED TO ME ONCE so im speaking from experience!

Since this kept being an issue I simply decided to disable character comments to prevent this from happening.

so again, if you're interested in any of my adopts DM me. At this point if you comment directly on my profile for an adopt you're taking the piss lol

Edit: Comments will be opened durring auction time only

Profile Content Warnings

Posted 5 years, 25 days ago by Cosmind

does this peeve you too?

106 Votes Yes
29 Votes No
51 Votes Depends

alright. Im getting quite peeved by people 'misusing' the content warning tool. (and based one the " pet peeves threads im not the only one)

In my opinion the Account-Wide Content Warning function should used to warn people about potentially triggering content posted on the account and NOT to promote your sales/commissions or say unnecessary stuffs like "please dont steal my stuff" (duh!) that can simply be added to your normal profile blurb.

It's been annoying me a bunch because i see more and more people doing it? At this point if I come on your profile and you have a """warning""" with this kind of silly nonsense Im simply just not going to go and check your profile/gallery.

PSA: Tatsuqi - chargeback

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago by Cosmind

Who: @tatsuqi

What: Chargeback (90$ fullbody commission and 200$ character rights)

inb4 "200$ for one OC?!" note that the character came with a full art gallery worth much more than 200$ based on my OLD commission prices, all the character in my tentative folder come with a fair amount of art and require a minimum offer that is around 1/4 to 1/3 of the total worth (example of another tentative of mine)

What happened: Tatsuqi approached me on via DM on October 23rd, initially they asked for a simple fullbody commission (that i completed) then asked to also buy one of my tentative character (named Asha Jaree at the time). I sent an invoice each time, they paid both then.

> our conversation regarding their purchase of a fullbody commission from me

> commission invoice

> The finished commission

> the character they uploaded from the commission

> our conversation regarding their purchase of Asha Jaree

> Asha's page when i still owned him

> Character invoice

> I transfered the character to them but they then deleted it and reuploaded his with a slightly different name

On the 28th Paypal held the funds. I was asked by paypal to provide proof or sale (which i did) but due to Paypal's TOS regarding intangible goods paypal sided with tatsuqi and refunded them. At the time I though it was paypal's doing of holding the transaction so I messages them on th as soon as I could regarding the issues and they seemed nice about it, saying they'd resend payment asap or send me back my oc if they couldn't pay. As day passed they kept saying they didn't get refunded and proceeded to ignore my next messages which now mead me to believe they did the chargeback and planned not paying me in the first place.

> proof of our discussion after the refund/chargeback

Im not sure what I should do to be honest. I Did reupload Asha to my gallery (currently unlisted/private) and ill probably report tatsuqi's repost of him but for Kenzou im not sure, I made the only art he has in his gallery and i dont want them to use it if they didn't pay for it but i didn't technically create the design since it was a gaia avatar they asked me to draw but they did list me as the character's creator so???

edit: Asha is back in my possesion and the stolen art was removed wohoo!


> they scammed another user

> they changed their account name to nijustsu

> they also made a side account called kurosum (show here with one of the character they had on the other account, since making this edit they moved all the character from nijutsu to kurosum)

> they have third toyhouse account (listed as a "tatsuqi's sale account") named dinosource

> they have a deviantart account called  Yawnyu

RP Confort Meme (redo)

Posted 5 years, 8 months ago by Cosmind


Not applicable to the "additional notes" section

sample text = Preferred

sample text = okay i guess

sample text = NO/DONT

  Role Play Basics

Locations I am comfortable RPing:
  • Discord
  • PMs
  • Forum
  • Skype
  • Google Docs
  • Other
 Participants I am comfortable with:
  • One-on-one
  • Up to three people
  • Up to four people
  • Five or more!
  • As big as possible!
 Post Length I usually write about:
  • One or two sentences
  • One or two paragraphs (not sure if this describe my style best to i put an example bellow)
  • Two to five paragraphs
  • More than five paragraphs
  • A few pages worth
 Example of an RP Reply from me
I am comfortable role-playing with people who write:
  • One or two sentences
  • One or two paragraphs
  • Two to five paragraphs (anything above can be hard for me)
  • More than five paragraphs
  • A few pages worth
I like getting requests from:
  • Anyone and everyone at any time!
  • When I ask for role-plays
  • From friends and acquaintances
  • From friends only


Important: Communication is the key to a real life relationship, it shouldn't be abandoned for a fictional one either! Be sure to talk to your partners when considering romance!

I am comfortable shipping my characters when:
  • Never
  • Our characters know each other deeply
  • Our character know each other deeply, and I know I can trust the role-player (i highly prefer friendship-only stuff but it's not totally impossible to eventually do ship)
  • At the first sign of flirting!
  • Only if the role-player and I plan it.
  • It depends on the character
 If you want to ship with my characters:
  • Talk to me about it from the start.
  • Talk to me about it once our characters know each other.
  • Talk to me about it once they both have some feelings for each other.
  • Talk to me about it when they finally decide that want to go beyond hugging.
 When shipping my characters, I like the romance to happen:
  • Swift as lightning!
  • Fast, but not super fast.
  • Happens in about three months.
  • Slow and steady wins the race.
  • Slugs know what's up!
  • My relationships know no speed. They happen if they happen.
 When my characters gets intimate, I prefer: 
  • To skip the act entirely.
  • To write the build-up, but skip the act.
  • To write the act only if it is very special, but otherwise skip it.
  • To write the act all the way through.
 When it comes to talking about our relationship with others please:
  • Do not saying anything at all without talking to me.
  • It's fine if it is cuddles and hugs.
  • It's fine if it is kisses.
  • It's fine if it is much more.
  • Do not talk about it if it involves sexual acts! (just keep it classy)

If you have intimate artwork of our characters, please:
  • Do not post any dramatic scenes that that happened between our characters.
  • Talk to me about it before posting!
  • Post what you like!


Important: Always be sure to communicate with your partner individually if you think you are about to go outside their comfort zones even just the slightest bit!!
When it comes to violent situations, I am comfortable with:
  • No violence at all!
  • I'm fine with verbal arguments!
  • Some violence, like a paper cut, or an accidental elbow to the face.
  • Mild violence, such as punching, kicking, hair pulling.
  • Violence, such as stabbings.
  • Beyond violence, such as torture and more.
 If you are going to do something violent, please:
  • Don't do it at all.
  • Talk to me about it first.
  • Surprise me!
 If you have dramatic artwork of our characters, please:
  • Do not post any dramatic scenes that that happened between our characters.
  • Talk to me about it before posting!
  • Post what you like! (considering we'd only rp mild stuff anything should be safe to post)

  Additional Notes
  • Im ABSOLUTELY NOT COMFY RPING WITH MINORS(both OCs and who ever is behind their screen) EVEN IF I ONLY DO SFW ROLEPLAY.
  • I usually focus one ONE OC at a time. Check the Main folder to know which one it is
  • Im very open to AUs but do prefer to keep my OC in the universe type they were designed to fit in if possible. For example my OC Alister is made to fit in an post-apo world where monsterfolks are common sigh and also has an AU tab of a modernday monsterfolk AU, this is what I prefer for him to be in but I wouldnt mind trying a medieval fantasy AU (i did make Fire Emblem sprites for him ahah!)
  • When I RP on forums I like to chance my character's portrait to what would fit best to illustrate the emotion they are in
  • I am NOT looking for any romance relationship, only friendly ones. HOWEVER with time and trust it's not impossible for our OC's friendship to evolve in either a love relationship or a booty-call/FWB relationship. BUT NOTHING IS GUARANTEED!!!
  • Most of the OC I RP as are Pre-bottom surgery Trans men who are either Pan with a preference toward men or are pretty much gay so 1: if you're OC is a girl she has even less changes of being shipped later on, 2: dont expect dick-on-dick actions from my boys (unless they get strap-ons)  when it comes to relationship, 3: if you're transphobic FUCK-OFF.
  • I dont do FURRY RP at the moment, only humanoids.
  • My timezone is Paris but Im free all day so i can accommodate to your timezone if needed
  • No fetish character please (especially if you use slurs like f*ta and such!
  • The OC you want to RP as MUST have visual refs and at least a basic profile (with like, name, age and all that jazz)
  • English ISN'T my native language (but it is what i prefer using lol)
  • I like non-sexual nudity tbh? like OCs hanging out at a nude beach or just walking around their house naked
  • I prefer my OC to interact with male or masculine characters but others are fine too! (tho overly feminine boys kinda make me feel dysphoric)
  • Im not looking for "magic solvers" if my OC has a problem/quest/goal dont magically solve it in the first day of RPing, otherwise that'd be pretty boring.