🍷The Biscuit Club🍷

🍷The Biscuit Club🍷

The Biscuit Club

Disclaimer: These are just a general list of topics The Biscuit Club covers. This list of content is not your final warning, you will recieve additional content warnings on a character-by-character and tab-by-tab basis.

Addiction Alcoholism Car Crashes Character Death Child Death Depression Drug Abuse Eating Disorders Emotional Abuse Eye Injury Fatal Illness Homophobia Lobotomisation Mental Abuse Physical Abuse Racism Sexual Abuse Stalking Suicide Verbal Abuse

The Biscuit Club is a series about authors publishing their diaries, making fools of themselves in the process.

The first entry, The Testimony Of Micah Jones follows Micah Jones, a barely functioning, dependant, male protagonist. Micah attempts to cope with the recent news of the fact that he's actually dead and used to be human (he's a robot now) by going on multiple mini-adventures to fill the void in his life, from tracking down his parents to accidentally falling in love. Will he overcome his alcoholism, or will he get worse?

The second book, The Pragmatic Personality Of Parsley, (April 2023) follows Micah's twin/cousin Simon and his quest to gain his emotions back after the events of the previous book. No matter what poor Simon tries, nothing seems to work- Even placing himself in the world's most stressful envionrment (tailored to his personal idea of 'stressful'!) Hmm... I wonder why?

The third book, [SECRET WEAPON 8], follows Steve and his quest for fish. That's all I'll say for now ;)

safe adult white race male vortex user english unknown orientation unknown birth month human female dark eyes dark haired made 2018 blue eyes minor nebula user unknown race straight blond haired unknown ethnicity