TF2: Espionage

Set in the 1960s, Team Fortress: Espionage is an intrigue plotline centred around two feuding megacorporations Builders League United (aka “BLU”) and Reliable Excavation Demolition (“RED”). Over the past 80 years, they have been engaged in a seemingly endless war named the “Gravel Wars” in which the corporations have hired mercenaries to fight over territory rich with gravel mines throughout the American continent. However, over the years the Mann brothers who own each company respectively have become less and less capable of directly running their corporation's activities, requiring councils to run the companies (and the war) for them. As a result, corruption, nepotism and greed have caused the "Gravel Wars" to go beyond gravel and the American continent, expanding into a global conflict between two international, organised military forces and spy networks. The story is split into several chapters that are told by an external narrator from the perspective of one of the main characters, who are all members of one of the many teams under BLU’s employ.

After 80 years of war, both corporations have been gradually improving their tech and strategies at the same pace, whilst simultaneously being weighed down and heightened by their own strengths and weaknesses. With so much time having passed and there being no clear winner, as well as the abundance of evidence showing that both companies have strayed from their original values that they continue to promote, several of the mercenaries and other employees have begun questioning their role and the futility of the conflict they are fighting in…

TF2 OC Team Fortress 2 BLU Military Antagonist The Greater Good Scout Villain Anti-Hero Spy Medic Anti-Villain Protagonist