Evelin333's Bulletins

2018 updates

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago by Evelin333

1. If you're on the blacklist and legit have an issue with this, PM me or if you're unable to, get someone to PM me. We can have a discussion like civil people, I did block a lot of people when I was on DA in 2015 & 2016, but I'm more mature now and I recognise I previously over-reacted in some cases.
2. I'm going on a more perm. hiatus as Real Life gets more busy and I get into the last year(s) of my degree. I'm updating a some of my characters with new art references in preparation to sell or trade them. I am looking to massively downsize to about 20 core characters, which means everyone else is for sale/gift/trade!
3. I will be deleting all characters tagged as delete//to confirm or something similar. I originally held these in case someone I traded with didn't save the images or otherwise lost it but it's been over a year and I feel that this is more than enough time to get the characters onto your own servers/profiles. Hence, I'll be deleting them and this is kinda a last warning! I will delete them at the end of April
4. The Newbie Guide is no longer being maintained and all questions/comments will also go unanswered. The guide is old a.f and doesn't account for any of the *new* updates. If you want to 'adopt' the guide and use the stuff already there (or rewrite it) as a public resource, please PM me!
5. I will eventually get around to writing lots more for my core characters like Chrome but I likely won't be updating any of the other characters
6. Please do not ask me to join RP's/Groups unless we're very close. Please refrain from commenting on my characters saying I can/should submit them to a/your group. I am not comfortable with that and will not be responding to those requests
7. I will not be taking commissions or requests for now. If you're still waiting on art, I'm looking through my archives to identify and refund you all. Please bare with me, you will receive your refunds in the very near future. 


so checkin in on gaia after like ages on hiatus and 

when in the hell did the block function and the block list get changed to ignore????
can someone pls explain much thank

whoops I stole this from @Hane
How many OCs do you have?

Well over 700, I haven't done the half-yearly count yet (which i should probably do soon oops)

Gender and Love
You have an OC that is...

(Y) Male
(Y) Female
(  ) Intersex
(Y) Non-binary or genderqueer
(Y) Genderfluid
(Y) Transgender
(Y) Heterosexual 
(Y) Bisexual
(Y) Homosexual
(Y) Polysexual
(Y) Pansexual
(Y) Asexual
(Y) Demisexual
(Y) Aromantic (coming soon!)
(Y) Polyamorous 
(Y) Single
(Y) Dating
(Y) Engaged 
(Y) Married
(  ) Divorced
(Y) Widowed
(  ) In a civil partnership
(Y) In an open relationship
(  )In a poly relationship 

20 of 24

Race and ethnicity
You have an OC who is...

(Y) Black
(Y) Caucasian 
(Y) Hispanic 
(Y) Indian
(Y) Asian
(Y) Middle Eastern
(Y) Native American
(Y) Pacific Islander
(Y) Another race or ethnicity
(Y) A race or ethnicity or your own creation
(Y) Multiracial

11 of 11

You have an OC that is...

(Y) Christian
(  ) Jewish
(Y) Hindu
(Y) Buddhist
(Y) Islamic
(Y) Pagan or Wiccan
(Y) Satanist 
(Y) Another religion
(Y) A religion of your own creation
(Y) Agnostic
(Y) Atheist
(  ) Anti-LGBTQA+ (hell fucking no)
(Y) Pro-choice
(  ) Pro-life (uh just no)

12 of 15

Illnesses and disabilities
You have an OC with...

(  ) Cancer (or has had cancer)
(Y) Lupus
(  ) Diabetes
(  ) Crohn's
(Y) Depression 
(Y) Anxiety  
(Y) Bi-polar disorder or bi-polar depression
(Y) Schizophrenia
(Y) Self-harming habits or tendencies (or is a recovered self-harmer) 
(Y) Alcoholism (or is a recovered alcoholic)
(Y) Drug addiction (or is a recovered addict)
(  ) Asperger's, Autism, or another form of ASD
(  ) Down's Syndrome
(Y) Infertility issues
(Y) Allergies
(Y) Insomnia
(Y) A missing limb, multiple missing limbs, or prosthetics 
(Y) Blindness or a missing eye 
(Y) Deafness
(Y) The inability to speak 
(  ) Confinement to a wheelchair 
(  ) Paralysis
(Y) Another illness or disability
(Y) An illness or disability of your own creation

18 of 26 

You have an OC from...

(Y) North America
(Y) Central America
(Y) South America
(  ) The Caribbean Islands
(Y) Europe
(Y) The United Kingdom
(Y) The Middle East
(Y) Africa
(Y) Asia
(Y) Russia
(Y) India
(Y) Australia
(Y) New Zealand
(  ) Antarctica
(Y) Another dimension, realm, planet, or place of your own creation.

13 of 15 (lots of races! and a whole lot more I haven't uploaded haha)

Appearance and abilities
You have an OC with...

(Y) Glasses
(Y) Freckles or visible birthmarks
(  ) Acne
(Y) Scars or burns
(  ) Missing or crooked teeth or a gap
(Y) Fangs
(Y) Wings and/or horns
(Y) A tail or tails
(Y) Fins or gills 
(Y) Magical powers or supernatural abilities

8 of 10

Add up your total and that is your % out of 100

=== 82

NOTEC children....idea...freebie...thing

Posted 7 years, 11 months ago by Evelin333

Uh yes I have no idea what to call this but I've been working with NOTEC world again and I kind of thought to myself, if they've got such a big army where the hell do all these babies come from? I mean, they're warriors not breeding stock so they'd probably have like one or two natural children but that still leaves a lot of manual labourers that need to come from somewhere?????
So yes, this is mostly influenced by A Brave New World and basically it's a "clone" class i guess?? They're not really clones though, since they're not made from Organic materials or DNA... they're like advanced androids in humanoid bodies. Don't really eat... might bleed? idd If that makes any sense?

Yea there's a kind of WIP blurb on this page if you want to read it with lots of the native language used haha

Anyways, i was thinking of doing a couple of free quick lil Lapisu customs for poeple who want to play around with NOTEC or are interested I guess?

//nervously posts my army !ardrop!

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago by Evelin333

Hi my lovlies <33 Part 2 of my (belated) christmas gifts!
OCs are owned by their respective owners, please do not steal!

CHR3000 - Evelin333
D4N - FScott
RILEY - OfficerMittens
ATHENA - novaraptor
3LP - FScott
KERES - ArcanineSenpai
EOS - Jiroah
MOCKINGBIRD - rubixjigsaw
ABL-N108 - @HANE
4KT - FScott
XON - FScott
A1 - Aliice In Wonderland @ GO
B2 - Aliice In Wonderland @ GO
F1NA1 - digiridoo @ DA

(PM me for seperates)
*base by Ichitoko *


Posted 8 years, 3 months ago by Evelin333


dae bby

i'm terrible 

i just finished da dating sim of mattie [trade for taiga] and sent it to u on gaia

but im not sure if you saw it

Sorry i took so long!!!!!!!!! I had to re-do it so many times because the tour bus was rlly bumpy *^*
hope u like it!


http://sta.sh/21ozqimxhjix?edit=1 <====== da goods

AU Revamp Updates v3

Posted 8 years, 4 months ago by Evelin333

Hey guys! As you may (or may not) know, I've been world-building and taking in history to strengthen my AU's! My oldest AU SOLAS is on the work table right now, with new componenents added in, a new language, a history, different societies. It's a big job and I hope to have SOLAS at least done by the end of next year. VITA and MORAS will come after that, then ELAS, then Gatina Morticium/Corum. They're going to have their own language idiosyncricies and special cognomens for the angel/demon armies, as well as brand new stories and personalities! My Elemental AU's are going to be updated and each character will recieve a rank and a new backstory. ATALIS wil be getting it's FIRST EVER LORE and partial language. Exciting things!!

Most of my characters have been assigned names, and just that. The names are of course symbolic and carefully chosen but now its time for them to have stories! Bear with me as this will tkae a lot of time and energy amd if there are any continuity errors, please do not hesitate to let me know!

I'd be glad to take suggestions for characters, worlds, words , and anything im between!

! UPDATE LOG ! (new to old)

- DIRECTORY created!
- Lakomets Institute established
- Potions Academy named "OLEN"
- Info profiles created
- VITA info profile created
Rex Angelis Associate a.k.a Assasin Angels created
- "cuttlefish" Lucas created
- Prophecy of QIng Jian created!
- Development of Mistra's household
- Necromancer // Death Mage UPDATE 
- FOUR new witches!
- Chrome and Difawn's major domo
- New watermark!
- New potions
- Potions Academy Founding
- Tidied misc [unused] characters into one place
- New Spells
- Wands Update
- Planning for summoning circle
- Professor Moonfall update
- New Folder/Tag Update
- FengHuang set up
- New leader of magical creatures
- New leader of Magi Isla
- New leader of Pruina
- New leader of SOLAS I
- New gods/deities added
- Solas Revamp Main revamp 

To Do List:
Potion Academy
Finish NOTEC language
Lyzara Idols
Mistra Household
Fenghuang academy uniform
Potion academy uniform
Other Academies + uniform
AngelFlight lore
Solas Lore
Salem lore + society
Europa / Blau update
Aulos + Clarion update
Lyzateum/Vampire society update + lore
Silvestre tribes lore
Pruina / Qing'di update

-Eve out!


WHOOOO I GOT A WACOM + taking requests

Posted 8 years, 4 months ago by Evelin333



i need to get used to this so pls give me your babies to experiment on! Probably just be crappy doodles until I figure this out ahahaha

ok i got enough refs now

hi guys! jumping on the bandwagon sorry noodle cakessss

anyways this is a wishlist-slash-things-i-will-probably-buy-next-year

***Art of my children~ See below for preferred characters:
Emmaleth Nicolette Jiang // lucas abrams // Chrome (esp. couple art with Difawn) // hecate // Qing Yuan

***Any children by FScott and/or Asian inspired
***Anything : Harry Potter, Black Butler, or Hetalia themed
***A wacom tablet (note to self: get this sometime soon)
*** A phone charget that bloody works <=== pet peeve omfg

idk i don't have many wants orz

Hihi! My babies are #forever single and have decided to sign up for this dating site! See below for their profiles


NAME Crown Prince Orolion Nightarrow [HRH]
PERSONALITY Reserved, somewhat submissive, impressive ruler, spaces out frequently
LOOKING FOR A long term partner (he needs heirs but is willing to adopt), somebody lively and exciting but knows when to keep out of affairs, somebody committed/loyal (he really cannot be seen having affairs), somebody not afraid of his title and keep him grounded


NAME Her Eminence Mistra Dragonridge
SPECIES Ancient Dragon / Minor Goddess
PERSONALITY Soft-spoken, calm to a fault, secretive, a romantic, almost always happy
LOOKING FOR A long term partner (he needs heirs but is willing to adopt), somebody optimistic, good at problem solving + willing to be a sounding board for ideas, good listener, fairly good talker


NAME Qing Yuan
SPECIES Royal Vampire
PERSONALITY arrogant, no respect for life, firey temper, loves fighting/chaos, intimidating (head of mafia), philosophical, intelligent, romantic, lady-killer, sexualises everything, loves jokes 
LOOKING FOR somebody good at fighting, able to withstand the banter, enjoys jokes, not overly possessive, understanding of the nature of her work, able to talk about history and philosophy


NAME Selene Rosenthal
SPECIES Witch/Mage
GENDER Genderfluid (prefers female pronouns)
PERSONALITY loves experimenting, doesn't take good care of self, insomniac, silent-type
LOOKING FOR bubbly, firm (not afraid to force her away from her work), prankster


NAME Queen Avary
GENDER Genderfluid (prefers they pronouns)
PERSONALITY open-minded, kind hearted, overly kind at times, emotional
LOOKING FOR somebody equally open-minded, somebody who can restrain her tendency towards being a matyr