Unfair Disadvantages


Sometimes being a foster child can really suck.

At least that's the case for Catherine and Oliver. The two have been stuck in foster care for so long, it's mostly what they've known for their entire lives, and they absolutely hate it. They want nothing more than to have families to call their own, and will do what they can to get that attention.

This attracts the attention of a woman named Amanda. She has to admit she's curious about the two kids, and while she advises against them getting hurt, it refreshes the two to know that someone out there was on their side.

This attention isn't always positive though. Catherine's foster mom is set on "reforming" the two. She tries her best to get the two stop their trouble making and pranks, to almost no avail. But eventually she takes it a bit too far...


Female Male Human Pokemon Wings Winged male Monster Cat Electric female Ice human Water Fox Alien Fire Mermaid Kitsfell Magic