The Mire

Clans of the Mire

✣ Join the three clans: TideClan, the clever, adaptive cats of the coast, ScaleClan, the sturdy, agile cats of the gator-infested cypress swamps, and StormClan, the stubborn, stalwart cats of the abandoned twoleg place, as they struggle to coexist in the swamps of the southern US.

The next Great Storm has come and gone, with the surviving cats left to pick up the pieces. TideClan, hit hard by Tarponstar's inexperience and the brutal storm, have resolved to rebuild stronger than ever before. But the dramatic shifting of their daily lives could divide them as quickly as it united them. StormClan attempts to rebuild in the wake of unforgettable loss. With many cats dejected and others in a constant state of vigilance, the usually stalwart Twolegplace cats have found themselves lost and adrift. ScaleClan's python infestation is recovering for now, but the time of relative peace is leaving them with more questions than answers. Where have the missing cats disappeared to? And, more sinisterly, who are the strangers they've been detecting near the StormClan border...?

warriors feral warrior cats cats feline as within so without so below silentclan nightclan burning up unto the tide felines birdclan player character breezeclan everything moves 5e Dungeons and Dragons DnD rootclan