Masked in Light

Masked In Light

After a sudden attack by an unknown assailant, Mari, a violin prodigy and absolute sweetheart to everyone she met, was lying dead on the street.

Yet before she knew it, she woke up again, finding herself in a strange gray void. The pain engulfing her head was immediately worsened by the yelling from a few feet away.
"I'm not taking this angelic scum back to my plane!"
"I'm afraid this isn't a choice, your majesty. The Holy Council has deemed it so."

Somehow, this saint of a human was considered demonic enough to be sentenced to eternal damnation in The Under World, to the dismay of both herself and its ruler. Forced to work together with a murderous farmer-turned-king, an arrogant mafia boss, and a fallen angel, Mari has to figure out what—or who—caused this sizable error, and correct it, before thousands of innocent lives are put at risk by an interplanar massacre.