Glitterbark's Profile Comments

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AHAHAH oh my god i'm glad you liked it; i'm secretly a trash person for writing things that are incredibly gross, so when I saw Mephi was up i was like "OH MCFREAKIN BOY LET'S HAVE IT IT"

there was so much more stuff i meant to like, explore a bit more - like Maeve's natural instincts always being 'to protect' which she kinda denies because due to Unwritted Backstory Stuff she feels like Complete Garbage for not having 'protected what was most important'. and how in some ways it's easier to be like 'i'm doing this for me because i'll go crazy otherwise, also christ i need a bath because this body is gross' than to admit you feel like total crap for this weird person who's body you've been landed with, but also how sometimes it's easier to say good things to someone else than to you, so all of that 'you'll be okay!!' self-calming stuff applies to Mephi, sure, but it also applies to Maeve, but she can't really come out and say it because "LMAO I AM TRASH" so she pretends she's saying it to the soldiers she feels like she failed instead.

and the pronoun stuff, how using anything other than 'it' for the body would be TOO WEIRD and also lead to some identity issues because mephi's weird secondhand hunger is affecting her in some bizarre ways.

and i'd also meant to include a section where she's like "christ i hope this loser is managing to have an okay time in someone else's body, i don't really feel like that's the case tho b/c i doubt this is something you can escape" and also have her idly eat some soap without realizing it and being like "y'know this guy's teeth probably need some cleaning too, let's just get that done'

but i'd had like an hour of sleep, i was tired, and it had already gotten unnecessarily long, so i was just like "UGH THIS IS FINE" and went to bed. it was super fun to write though so I am pleased you liked it!!

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Oh god, Maeve meeting Mephi for real would probably be a disaster, because Maeve is the embodiment of War Guilt.

I need to write bios for most of my losers, but Maeve's basic deal is as follows: she realized fairly early on that the idea of marriage and child-rearing wasn't super for her, but she also liked the idea of it in principle, so when her childhood BFF got married and got a kid she was like "HELLA, THIS IS DOPE" because she could hang around their house and be an auntie without actually having the responsibility of being a decent parent. They were basically her real family, and she was always welcome at their house - they'd feed her, let her stay over, and pat her on the head to give her emotional affirmation. She loved them, loved their kids, so when she got embroiled in complicated war for independence, part of the reason why she fought at all was to give her friends and their children a proper future.

unFORTUNATELY, it ended up being that the town her friend her friend lived in needed to be sacrificed for the campaign because they simply didn't have the resources to defend it, and the conquering force completely murderlated everyone there with no real chance for the Floribunda forces to evacuate. this was not unprecedented, but it went against all of Maeve's hopes, and she was like "FUCK, i FUCKED UP" but also knew that if she'd let her personal bias win over and cause her to command her forces to defend the town, things probably would have gone even worse then they already did. still, she feels so Goddamn Guilty over it, because yeah... overall, her choices lead to the successful defense of her nation over odds that were supposed to be insurmountable, but it was like, "why the hell did i do this, i'm miserable." then again, there's another part of her that's like, "how dare you feel bad for this, it's for the greater good, because of this your nation can be free."

maeve actually tried to die near the end of the war, vis a vis taking a bomb for one of her soldiers, but unfortunately floribunda are Tough Motherfuckers and she couldn't get the job done properly, instead she just fucked up her face and her arm and now when she looks in the mirror she's like "this is fine, i guess" while feeling an immense amount of self loathing that she doesn't have the willpower to get the job done properly. that's honestly part of the reason why she feels so bad for Mephi she knows how it is to botch a suicide attempt, yo. just LET HER DIE.

that's not even taking into account her realizing that basically every decision she made caused people to die and she witnessed so many good people perishing, and tbqh she doesn't even know if her species will survive because of their low birthrate + Tons of Casualities. maybe the war for independence was a bad idea and she should have tried to get her government to capitulate? FUCK, SHE DOESN'T KNOW. UGH. WHY DOES LIFE SUCK.

anyway maeve would be tasty as hell and should probably never meet mephi because he would devour her. she'd give him a hug first tho because GODDAMN WHY DO YOU MAKE THAT BOY SUFFER. actually she'd probably hug him while he's eating her because a.) maeve's a weird motherfucker and wouldn't mind and b.) she thinks she deserves it.

> would feel bad for dirtying Talus

UGH MEPHI WHY DO YOU MAKE ME FEEL THINGS. seriously goddamn give this boy a hug, because you have honestly dumped some shit on him. like i'm in awe. he's burdened with all of these souls + this constant hunger+ feeling like shit + his hunger making him consume all of this crap. like seriously can you lay off him a LITTLE. he doesn't deserve this. shit let this idiotic flower woman take care of him for a little while. she'll brush his teeth and comb his hair and do all of that difficult crap like cleaning behind his weird human ears.

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i will be as hypocritical as I want to be, thank you very much! i may have no ground to stand on, as literally every one of my characters is made to explore some variety of suffering, from Aegis "i was just trying to bring my teacher back to life and i ended up murdering all my friends" of the Fallen Star to William "I have abandonment issues and also have been cursed by a weird demon-god to see dead people" Hare. It's funny though, Maeve would absolutely feel like Mephi has the worse lot of the two. Her argument is that she was literally raised to make these sorts of choices - she knew pretty young that she was going to be career military, because her dad was career military, and before him his parents were career military, so she was basically born to be a war hero. Like sure, she put in a Lot of Goddamn Work to achieve general status, but she was also born into richness in general, and she'd argue it isn't Mephi's fault that he's got emotional problems, yo. Of course that doesn't take into account that it's super fucked to raise a child to have to think like that and also her family is now dead which is a Big Bummer, but Meave would be like "hey i'm not clinically depressed it's not THAT bad. it's just a little PTSD. this is fine." In her mind, she should have been prepared for it, and it's her own fault she's not.

also he literally never stops being hungry maeve would be like "dude that's GARBAGE your deal sucks!! and you feel BETTER now than you used to!!! that's so messed up!!!!!"

>god happens to be handing out immortality like candy

LOL that made me laugh.but that's SO DEPRESSING. MEPHIII, REALIZE THAT YOU'RE MAKING A POSITIVE IMPACT ON THE WORLD AND YOU'RE IMMORTAL SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO SOLVE EVERYTHING AT ONCE. ugh! now i'm emotional! i'm emotional over this garbage person! feeling like shit for failing god though does make a lot of sense. Like, man. That just sets you up for putting crazy high standards on yourself. What it must be like to be a person in Mephi's territory though. "Yeah our god kinda smells terrible and looks awful and he's really socially awkward. love that guy though!! never had a better ruler!" Like that's just hilarious to me. I love that he's actually super good at his job of maintaining his plot of personhood.

>he hates being babied don't do it

man that's why body-swapping is a good thing, that way whoever is occupying his rancid flesh mess can be like "I'm doing this for me not for you B-BAKA" so he can both be clean + be spared some of the guilt from having to be forced to bathe. of course then he'd presumably feel guilty that someone had to be confined to his terrible corporeal digs for awhile, but he can blame that on his body-swapper buddy.

> He is very much caught up on what he 'should' be doing instead of what he wants to be doing

RELATABLE AS HELL. i imagine having all those powers from the souls he eats doesn't help with how overwhelmed he feels. like i can't even really imagine what that must be like, you're like this swiss army knife person full of potential and feel horrible for not living up to what you could really do. tbh his emotional dealio sorta reminds me of my Dumbass Bird Crane - long story short she has the power to remove the affects of this millennia-long curse that has been turning wizards into demons, but because this is so CRAZY SPECIAL HOLY SHIT, actually doing so would mean that she'd be worshiped, and being worshiped would mean that she'd become a god, and she's literally just a bird who's already having enough trouble dealing with the whole "I have opposable thumbs" part of human existence, you can't make her a GOD. she isn't even in the slightest bit emotionally prepared for it. but she also knows that every ounce of suffering, and every wizard who turns into a demon and dies is her fault because if she was just stronger she could literally fix everyone's problems. daily existence is an exercise in selfishness for her, or at least that's how she sees it, so she sleeps a lot and tries to forget about how if she was a ""better person"" life would be a lot better for a lot of people. she's got all this potential to be amazing but she's not using it and Feels Bad.

> have people care about him and his EGGS

please just let this immortal god man have a little studio where he carves eggs. it'll be great. AU WHERE MEPHI IS HAPPY PLEASE.

1 Replies

Ib and Okage and Nier and JoJo, as well as a fellow dev! You're after my own heart :D

OH SHIT, you worked on Queen at Arms and the Shadows that Run Alongside Our Car??? Hello!! I'm starstruck right now!

Eheh I did!! <3 (And aaah I'm glad to find someone who knows of Q@A! It never got around quite as much as Shadows did, heh)

The WIPs for your game look super cool too! I'm not on Tumblr much these days but do you happen to have a Twitter?

Sooooorrrrta? I have a twitter that I forget about most of the time unless I want to shitpost, which I do badly, or talk about my cat. Maybe it's something I'll use more when I have the time to actually consistently work on Best Wishes? It's here if you want it, though!

Right now, school is murdering me. It does have a page on if you want to watch it there! the demo is... very rough.............. and I keep meaning to throw all the updated assets I've done into it but the little voice in my brain telling me "you should make a UI", then the one that says "I don't want to make a UI right now" foils every plan. And I also keep wanting to put some more actual content in, which... means making more new assets... which is a bit of of a cyclical process.

That's sad to here about Q@A though! I backed the kickstarter and enjoyed it a lot. I actually binge played it after I got home from work the day it released and did a bunch of routes. I'm always trash for a good protagonist, and Q@A did that delightfully!

Sooooorrrrta? I have a twitter that I forget about most of the time unless I want to shitpost, which I do badly, or talk about my cat. Maybe it's something I'll use more when I have the time to actually consistently work on Best Wishes? It's here if you want it, though!

Right now, school is murdering me. It does have a page on if you want to watch it there! the demo is... very rough.............. and I keep meaning to throw all the updated assets I've done into it but the little voice in my brain telling me "you should make a UI", then the one that says "I don't want to make a UI right now" foils every plan. And I also keep wanting to put some more actual content in, which... means making more new assets... which is a bit of of a cyclical process.

That's sad to here about Q@A though! I backed the kickstarter and enjoyed it a lot. I actually binge played it after I got home from work the day it released and did a bunch of routes. I'm always trash for a good protagonist, and Q@A did that delightfully!

Ee, a backer in the flesh, awesome! :D I'm glad you enjoyed it though! We had a lot of fun working on it. (Any fave routes? xD)

And bwaha, I feel you. I keep having personal projects I want to work on but then I remember I have to make things for them, and that's terrible. It'd be better if you could just think everything into existence xD

But sweet! I'll toss a follow over there anyhow (Tumblr too, but I check it maybe once a month lately, aha). If you have Discord or anything and ever want to chat, though, feel free to hit me up~

Hehe, I'm weak for "I will murder for you" sneaky-types like the Spymaster, so I enjoyed that one a lot, and LORIMETTE IS MY SHINY KNIGHT QUEEN. i actually need to do cesca because I think she'll end up on my faves list too - I think she's the only one I didn't do. :o OH. and James. I need to do James! I kept meaning to get back to it, but my friend wanted me to play Umineko so badly I dropped most other games for that.

yes. it doesn't help that like, I have never really done coding or any UI design!! after this semester I feel a lot more comfortable with the design aspect, but the coding still scares me (even though I know it's pretty easy, I just have to teach myself to do it.)

Why, thank you! ♥ I'll probably hit you up after the semester actually; I'm too busy to chat a lot with people, but things will ease up a lot over the break.

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No problem! He's an interesting character. ♥

Thanks so much for the fav!

Well, thanks for the fave in return! ♥

Heheh of course <3

Thanks for the favorite! ^^

You're certainly welcome. ^^

Thank you for the fave on Ulrich! 

Np! I love how he looks! :D

Aaaahhhh thank you!! :>

Gosh can I just say I really love your OCs? I'm reading through some of their profiles now and I really really love the well-rounded approach you have to your characterization! Like, they're all so interesting and have this real depth to them-- it's honestly lovely to see :0

asfjh ahhhhh thank you!!! I get.... really really into writing very detailed bios and stuff, so it's nice to hear that you think it's interesting! It absolutely makes me want to keep working hard to make characters that are interesting and engaging to read about .♥♥♥

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please for the love of god write a fragment of it, because I am convinced it would be delightful.

Thank you! ♥ She's a blast to write; probably one of my favorite character voices tbh.

Thank you for your sweet words about my art ; A ; I really appreciate it!

Absolutely!! It's really exciting to see artists tackling a new style, and I know from experience how nerve-wracking it is to try to get into painting... but it's so fulfilling to do! So don't feel nervous about it; it's already looking really good, and is just going to get even better going forward!

Hey! Just wanted to say that your art and your style of writing is really pretty and fascinating! Very elegant, too. :> You just earned a sub! (Also you have a fine taste in fiction ^^)

Thank you so much! That's such a wonderfully thoughtful and kind compliment, and you've definitely brightened my day! I hope you have a wonderful week, fellow person with excellent fictional taste.

Omg,,,, I love your art style ❤❤❤

Awwh, thank you! And thank you for the sub! :)

You're welcome!