Modern Setting

These characters all share a setting that is a furry version of our modern world. Beyond being inhabited by furries, the universe they inhabit also contains some amount of magic, (or genetic abilities so bizarre they might as well be), such as Jan's electricity abilities. Abilities like these aren't super common and the more magical races tend to be rare but folks won't be calling every news station because they saw someone light a cigarette with their breath. 

The core of the setting, at least as far as I intend to write, orients itself around Vee and her household(currently Micah, Kris, & Tala) and the social web that extends out from them to their friends, family and the like.

SFW Furry Sheep Anthro NSFW NSFW Allowed Dragon Canine Feral Wooloo Fursona Feline MittKitt Kemono bunny sea dragon Equine feral yellow Tiger