Omegia is a PG15 story im writing.

It's a full fleshed planet located in the Andromeda galaxy that hosts 12 different species of people. It actually deals with heavy subjects (including: depression, sexual trauma, surviving abuse and body horror.)

As the story is on the works, i draw comics of the slice of life of the characters, sometimes silly and sometimes not, just to reflect how the situation affects their daily- and also because they live in my head rent free. The summary of the main story is what follows:

Luis is famous model with a shady past, who falls in love with his former friend and last prince of the humans: Lukas Ivar Kron. There are three issues with this:

1. The rising political tension on the planet put a mark on Lukas/Ivar and now an extremist political party called “The Upsides” wants them dead.

2. Luis rose to fame lying and deceiving said extremist party to make them think he is a part of them.

3. How do you explain to your crush you’re a literal dead man walking? That is one awkward third base.

The story follows as Luis, his sister Valencia, and friends Tobias & Quint try to figure out (with the collective brain cell they share) HOW to keep Lukas/Ivar safe while also not ruining their public image and social wellbeing.