the last star

For their sins, the world was punished to be plunged into a starless universe. In a world of total darkness, where the artificial Sun is powered by the masses of slaves and desperate citizens, it is prophesized that the Gods have sent the world a final chance: the Last Star, befallen and hidden amongst the living that remain. If you are willing to repent for your sins, you would use the Last Star to erect the world another Sun—if you listen to the whispers of the Devil, you'd harness God's final gift to become one with the lights in the sky, and envelop the world in darkness forever.

Humanoid FH Eslend Character Mullet Gang Tonywrld Skollys Place CS American Disaster Mignyan Odd Phenomenon Sona Tony AU Gentlemens Kennel Club Tonygang Eslend Main Other Feral Anthro Dainty