

The Manaverse is a long-running collaborative sci-fantasy universe used by members of ZEJ Roleplaying as a grounds for writing, roleplaying, world-building, and character creation. It is comprised of several timelines, each with potentially a number of "canons", or individual collections of plots that share a common theme such as setting or characters. It contains dozens of worlds with hundreds of developed characters, spread across a core group of less than ten people. The primary timelines are Prime and Alter. Other timelines include Drei and the as-yet-unnamed Nemesis timeline, which only currently contains the canon of the same name.

The Manaverse has a Wiki, but it is ill-maintained and, in many cases, outdated. It can still be used as a general reference, but be aware that it may not be completely accurate.



Prime is considered the main, "default" timeline which contains the "canon path" of various worlds and characters. Much of Prime is developed outside of actual roleplaying and writing, and is oftentimes more an exercise in storybuilding than an actual writing project.

Currently-canon Prime storylines:

  • Date With Destiny: A 1x1 between myself and Ziolang, focusing on Jason, Mimring, and Destiny, as well as Euthora's storyline. Currently ongoing, incomplete.


Alter is the timeline in which Cult of Ustream and its offshoots take place. Though not strictly a rule of the  timeline, it's a popular joke in the community that the main theme of  Alter is that "everything goes wrong" and that characters do not get  what they deserve.

Currently-canon Alter storylines:

  • Cult of Ustream: An incredibly long-running group roleplay about a series of people who, through a mysterious sinkhole of fate, found themselves in Ustream, Euthora. From there they deal with problems both personal and global, suffer drama and losses, and carve out a place in the wilderness they landed in. Cult of Ustream is pseudo-complete, though the actual roleplay was cancelled. We have a giant doc we still need to go through and fix events on. 
    • Gen 2: About two and a half decades after the events of Cult of Ustream, the remaining adult members have to send their kids offworld to get them out of harm's way, as the state of affairs on Euthora starts to break down. Shenanigans ensue. Currently ongoing, incomplete.
  • Now and Always: Starts about eight years after the events of Cult of Ustream, during what is referred to as the Interlude. Focuses on the powerful, sometimes heartwrenching dynamic between Jason and Jude. Carries on long after Gen 2 ends, with the pair running around the universe, treating other worlds as a menu to sample, in multiple senses. Currently ongoing, incomplete.


Drei is a mostly-undeveloped timeline in which the general theme is "what if this character never did that?" and exploring the implications of that question. The primary conflict of Drei is that a race called the Vodera, having never accidentally isolated themselves from the rest of the Manaverse, are trying to take it over.

Drei currently has no active storylines.


Nemesis is a currently-single-story timeline focusing on the planet of Ciel, a world where magic is scarce and human supremacy runs rampant. Taking inspiration from the mobile game Arknights and the webfiction Worm, Nemesis can be called an effort to bring back some of the "persistent story ensemble cast" charm that was previously the hallmark of Cult of Ustream.

Nemesis has not been logged yet. Coming soon!


On Dragons: AKA "Dergbook", a (perpetually work-in-progress) in-universe encyclopedia on the Euthoran Dragon.

More coming soon.

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