*sighs* I got addicted to the silly dragon game...
Will be posting them here because I love these guys so much, they are actually my babies.




A venerable clan has built itself a reputation on the islands off the coast of the Starwood Strand. Those of the isle claim to bring what everyone wants: freedom, knowledge, & power. The catch? Pray to the mighty deities who run its many chapels, give yourself to their desires. Indulge in your delights, seek knowledge far beyond you, become what you truly wish to be (so long as you receive the gods’ blessings)


Deep within Starfall, a young fae found a rotting tree, she pitied the plant, taking its fruit and creating from it, a nectar to give a lasting memory. Then came the pivotal sip, a drink that took the fae to the heavens. She met the Arcanist. His message was so powerful, the words burned themselves into the eyes of the young fae. She fell back down, and only spoke one sentence, “We must consume the nectar.”

As she drank more and more, the Arcanist revealed his plan to her. She sought out ancient beings, begging them for wisdom and words beyond her comprehension. They held the answers, they pitied her plight, they helped her to make more nectar… for a price. They helped spread her message far and wide, taking to the seas & skies, to preach about the wonders of a far off garden. Outcast and rejects of clans all around gathered their baggage and made their way down to the orchard of promise, dreams, and reverie.


We must spend our days observing the goal of the Arcanist, one of endless creating & exploring. One day, the Arcanist shall return, and bless us with unbelievable powers. For now, we look to his disciples, the Ancient Deities, whose shrines litter our forest and bring us places of refuge. In order to be one with the clan, you must devote yourself to your innermost joys. Who you were before no longer matters here, what we need is the NOW.

The you of NOW must be open to blessings, willing to dance for gods, and craving the taste of forbidden fruits. You must be curious, kind, creative, and above all, truly free.

But be warned, the bountiful plenties of the orchard are not to be taken lightly. If one plucks the fruits of the tree far too much, with no returns, be prepared to meet dire consequences. Those who denounce the freeing ways of Eden shall be casted out, first to return to their mundane homes. You shall be stripped of your knowledge, but your aura will always belong to us.

wip vibin faerie leviathan revenant human kookaburra reverie siren archfey engkanto behemoth golem beast faith profile anathema vibes covenant deceased