Bird's Nest

All characters relating to Bird's Nest and it's related works.

Bird's Nest Synopsis: Sera stumbles her way into the Bird’s Nest Agency and joins the team. She wants to find drive and do something due to her easy lifestyle, here she meets Axel a delinquent out for revenge on an assassin who killed his family, Lumi an excitable girl and team leader who's family is forcing their expectations on her, Ran a girl from the Assassin academy in Japan. Together this team investigates strange crimes and happenings standard enforcement refuses too.

Bird's Nest: Assassin's Academy Synopsis: Emi Shindou is an average girl in Japan, when suddenly someone dies at her school, Emi is framed. However instead of being arrested Emi is sent to the Assassin Academy, When Emi gets there she learns this private school isn’t some girl’s school, it's a Assassin Academy! Here Emi learns her true goals in life, unlocks her potential and sets out to find a place for her in the world as well as bonding and showing Ayame how to live like a real person. Parallel to her story, Kirara, the assassin who did commit the crime Emi was blamed for, was kicked out of the assassin’s academy prior. Enraged and desperate to prove herself, she and her group of friends set off to climb the assassin’s ranking as well as take the entire school down as she believes something corrupt is afoot.

Power System:
Potential Unlocked System: "When drive turns into action, your potential is unlocked." Every being on earth is born with potential, the potential of one’s soul can be unlocked. The powers unlocked by this potential vary between people and are personalized  however they can be broadly broken apart to a basic level, when someone’s willpower becomes strong enough their potential manifests itself  as a lock and key inside their heart, and fully unlocks once they fly into action. Derived from the innate potential inside of all people, an ability will manifest itself based on the user’s heart and ideals. One’s potential grows and evolves alongside the user’s development. Due to the fact potential also represents the user and people are very similar, potentials too can be very similar to one another however no two potentials are ever exactly alike. (Axel and Emi share similar abilities and many use fire or ice)

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