
Moon (Suen) - God of fertility, protection and children. This deity created the pathways between the Earthly realm and the realm that holds the Oasis Basin. Granting safe passage to Soma as a young cub he has chosen to lead his pride in the footsteps of this deity.

Sun (Aton) - God of the battle and hunt. This god has a small hand to play in the pride. A deity more focused in the Earthly realm they grant the pride permission to hunt amongst the lands of others with proper sacrifice. Punishing those who choose thievery over giving to the lands they hunt from.

River (Nebt) - Goddess of travel, and the afterlife. By guiding lost souls on their journey this deity helps the moon lead those in need to Soma's pride. Welcoming those of the pride who have passed on a chance to assist in this endeavor. The Oasis Basin pride make their burial site alongside the river that runs through the territory. Giving the spirit a safe journey to the afterlife.

Dawn (unknown) - Goddess of life, and rebirth. 

Dusk (Aker) - God of death, and decay.

Summer (Leon) - Lesser god of the chase, and fire.

Winter (Asra) - Lesser god of bonds, and ice.

Spring (Fran) - Lesser god of mischief, and chaos.

Autumn (Fade) - Lesser god of balance, and order.