

Home to the gods, the abyss has built the foundation to which gods are raised from. Taught the proper etiquette that a higher being should be privy to, and understanding the course of celestial history as to prevent one from repeating PREVIOUS MISTAKES, the Pantheon ensures that each god has a purpose in this lifetime, allowing them to grow and learn, understanding themself more and to fufill their full potential. And, y'know, NOT destroy the universe. They all contribute to the universe in one way or another, made in the likings of the stars and granted the grace from the creators, each god has a given mission, whether they like it or not.

Led by the elder gods, seemingly the higher up the rank you are- the less that you actually see the godhead themself as Father Time- the head of the Pantheon- has barely been seen by the public eye besides from making himself present to a select few.

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