DND Oc's


An Elven city, both beautiful and rich, they export gems, crystals, pharmaceuticals and craftmanship items. Large Castle walls surround many of the cities largest populated areas, clean with white paint and flowering bushes, these elves love everything creative and beautiful. Flowers can be seen almost everywhere, but are removed from walkways and resting areas. Within the city, there are around 30,000 who live within the area. Within this, there are Elves, Humans, Tieflings, Satyr but majorly Elven.

While the Government is governed by a Female Elf named Kater, There are two fueding branches.


Shirai Kane

23 . Female . Artificer

Shirai is a quiet and hesitant, but kind and charming. She is compassionate and strong-willed, using her class to study and build objects of power.

She considers her creations of high importance and takes care of them well. Her allies are very important to her, making sure they are healthy and well-rested.

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Akai Sato

25 . Male . Fighter

Akai is a unmoved, supposedly aggresive Oni who doesnt easily warm up to others. He sollemly connects to people unless there is a reason or unless they are of great respect and trust.

Seemingly un-kind, he is actually quite gentle and selfless. If Akai befriends someone, he becomes a loyal companion who would fight an army for them.


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Canico Umber

23 . Male . Scholar

Canico is a very bratty and pretentious elf of one of the royal families of Tiriathel who studies magic and historical stories.

Canico is a irritable elf who doesn't like to include himself in idle chit-chat and will not socialize with strangers unless absolutely nessairy.


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Fane Sho

22 . Male . Ranger

Fane is a hot-headed, confident man who is a little stern, but enjoys having fun and making friends, although he hates socializing with incompetent people.

He may seem like a mess but he is quite content on who he is and works towards his goals at lightning speed.


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Atford City Of Gates

Atford The City of Gates, Is a larger City, being around 34-35,000 people living within the radius. There are many sub parts of Atford, mostly being the outside forests where some elves live. This city is full of diverse and different races including human, elves, orcs, tieflings, minotaur and more. Mountains and hills are to the right of the city, allowing them to get different minerals such as coals, quartz, and the similar.


Authur Maldwyn

23 . Male . Cold

An elf; strong and independent, he is a wonderful hunter, although not the best at feelings or emotional situations. He is wonderful at hunting and attacking with long range weapons as well as small amounts of magic relating to forests. He is incredibly loyal and respectful towards those he deem as important in his life. Although not the friendliest at first, he is reliable and an execptional compainion or friend.

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Nanami Yasu

21 . Female . Good Natured

Nanami is a fighter, but kind at heart. While she may seem easy going and naive, she's incredibly smart and doesnt take second chances often. Within her combat she is strong, fearless and capable. Although, she is a little vulnerable with her size and weight, as well as her weak points or phobias.

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Tegu Fuyuki

24 . Male . Unpredictable

Yuki is a mischevious Yuan-ti with a love for pushing people beyond their limits. He's incredibly sneaky as well as has unprecedented, unpredictable behavior. He works as a Theif, creeping into a lot of places he shouldnt be in. He also works under a man named Folluin who is closely associated to Odin.

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Elm Elvenwood

25 . Male . Elegant

Elm is a beautiful elven Librarian who lives in Atford. The Library he runs is the biggest of the city and is a popular tourist spot. He is mysterious, modest, and seems to be quiet or stoic. Although, Elm is a very kind and compassionate individual, helping out those in need, volunteering at food pantries, etc. He is formerly Nanami's boyfriend, although it is not by his choice.

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Odin Joro

37 . Male . Unmoved

Odin is a professional individual who takes to himself most of the time in neighboring cities around Atford. He recruited Authur and Nanami. He is usually a man of little words, only saying what is the most important. He sends many adventurers on quests for gold, silver, money, etc. He usually is at a manor, sometimes conversing with other Adventurer guild leaders.

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42 . Male . Exhausted

Folluin is a boss who runs an Adventurer Guild, posts quests and does odd-jobs for the city and neighboring ones. He is a particuarlly tired man who doesnt want to deal with intense jobs and has hired Kell and Yuki to do the dirty work in situations where other adventuerers may not be trained enough to do. He is generally a hard-headed but understanding individual who tries his best to not be too rash when evaluating a situation or person. He currently is traveling and doesnt usually go to The City of Gates.

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Kell Inito

30 . Male . Crazy

Kell is a critically unpredictable changling, he works as an assassin and quest go-er for Folluin. He can only be described as confusing, absurd and intense as his interactions and reactions to things are almost as if you threw a human being into a box and constantly randomized them.

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Mugan Sanctuary

Mugan Sanctuary is a small island, but bustling with life. Population is around 40,000, mostly being tiefling but there are a bit of elves and humans as well, other races beinf more rare but not unheard of. Yogan Mizumi is the main governmental voice here, where he is both the islands religious idol and prince.

There are many different types of people in the Sanuary from farmers, to fishers, to crafters and novelests.

another paragraph


Yogan Mizumi

23 . Male . Powerful

Yogan is the Religious leader and prince of Mugan Sanctuary, he is self-absorbed and pompus although not to the amount that his followers are distasteful towards him. He is friendly with those whom he works above and any newcomers. Respect is given but also assumed to be returned, if someone does not respect Yogan or his religion and beliefs, he can be one of the most fearsome of adversary.

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Colm Neto

?? . Male . Equal

Colm provides a place for an unfixed or non defined, ambivalent of such in the religion, sometime having secondary followers of his own. His demeanor is relaxed, but easily angered or aggravated.

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Koshin Akwan

23 . Male . Laid Back

Koshin is the represenative for the "blue" side of Yogans religion, representing certain personalities or jobs. He is a calm, laid back tiefling. He uses his time to study the land, the religion, write books, and travels, bringing those from far away to join his religion.

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Pyrrhus Chiru

25 . Male . Excitable

Representaive of the "red" or Mugan part of Yogan's religion. The Eldest of the two warlocks, he is extremely nice, strong, and well motivated.

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Universe Four Name Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vestibulum eleifend nunc, rutrum iaculis velit sagittis a. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla blandit ut quam non facilisis. Suspendisse vestibulum, ligula id accumsan condimentum, elit dolor facilisis nunc, ut congue mi turpis nec augue. Morbi maximus dui nec libero tristique, sed lobortis elit consectetur. Suspendisse velit tellus, eleifend et varius sed, tincidunt sed nulla. Nam ex nisi, dapibus sed est eget, elementum lacinia odio. Duis luctus elementum lacus, ut ultrices elit malesuada eget. Phasellus tincidunt tellus turpis, interdum commodo libero posuere eget.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vestibulum eleifend nunc, rutrum iaculis velit sagittis a.

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Character Name

age . gender . adjective

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vestibulum eleifend nunc, rutrum iaculis velit sagittis a.

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Universe Five Name Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vestibulum eleifend nunc, rutrum iaculis velit sagittis a. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla blandit ut quam non facilisis. Suspendisse vestibulum, ligula id accumsan condimentum, elit dolor facilisis nunc, ut congue mi turpis nec augue. Morbi maximus dui nec libero tristique, sed lobortis elit consectetur. Suspendisse velit tellus, eleifend et varius sed, tincidunt sed nulla. Nam ex nisi, dapibus sed est eget, elementum lacinia odio. Duis luctus elementum lacus, ut ultrices elit malesuada eget. Phasellus tincidunt tellus turpis, interdum commodo libero posuere eget.


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