Space Racers

STATUS : Finalizing desings • Writing down info

#sci-fi insp: cowboy bebop Playlist

An announcment is playing on large screen in the middle of a busy intersection. People pass by it, some stopping to listen, others giving it little attention, zooming past on their hover scooters. It's giving an update on the news - the first alien contact has been confirmed. Experts are being brought in, a committee is being formed, discussions on how to approach this delicate sitation are being had. Far from the city center, down many side streets, a cafe is playing a different channel on a much smaller screen, flickering from age.

"-and of course we can't forget the big news of the week! That's right, it's almost that time again - the great bi-annual intragalatic space race is happening in just 3 weeks right here in our very city. Later on we have Farhaana Rajesh, one of the key figures in making sure the race keeps happening, along with another surprise guest, on to tell us a little about what's been done with the race track and give us a run down of what to look out for this year. But first! I have here in my hands a list - the finalized list of entrant to the race this year being revealed right here on our show for the first time. It is my honor to introduce our racers this year-"

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