
Located on the southwestern part of Acanthus, bordered by Gordaina.


Theralis is the territory of Dark and Night Elves, consisting of many underground cities and homes carved into walls and built in caves, and several faelit villages nestled deep into dark forests. The region is darker by nature, with blends of deep purple and blue in the landscape, from the trees to the grass to the mountains and more. Lakes and pools of water glow in the darkness, paired with glowing mushrooms and flowers and various types of fauna.

Theralis: The Tree of Life
A giant tree in the heart of Theralis, with roots spreading all through the land and blossoming into other tree systems. The tree is sacred, and has glowing flowers and vines wrapped around it. It is perhaps one of the few brightly lit parts of Theralis, and many visit the tree to pay their respects and hone their psychic abilities. The Dark and Night elves protect the tree from harm, allowing visitors from distant lands to come close with a watchful eye.

Duskwood: The Underground City
Built into an underground cave system lies Duskwood, a beautiful city carved beneath the Nightscape Mountains. Although ancient, the city shows no signs of wear, and sigils glow all along the cave walls. Intricate homes and buildings are carved from obsidian and amethyst, ornate pillars capped with scroll-like shapes; obelisks of gemstone floating in the air above; a massive, well-lit transportation system for goods and needs; and a massive mining system that produces and curates gemstones, common and magical alike.
