
Located on the southern coast of the Acanthus continent, nestled between Gordaina and Elegia.


Cassia is home to the largest port city in the north, Amhurst, and the Knight's Realm, a guild inspired by Gordaina's fine armed forces. Much of the land is made up of wetlands, and the coastal region is dark, slippery, jagged, and rocky. Despite its gloomy appearance, Skull's Bay is one of the most famed ports in the world, and much of the continent's trade comes through Cassia, following the wake of Gordaina's destruction.

Cassia: Amhurst
The largest port city in Cassia, and one that many pirates lovingly call home. All types of ships and boats line the docks, the inns and corner streets are bustling despite the wet, dreary weather. 'Dunkurst, by the sea' many call it, referring to Dunkurst City in Genova.

Cassia: The Knight's Realm
Although an old guild with previously dwindling membership, the Knight's Realm was reinvigorated ten years ago, when the illusion of Evangeline Cromwell appeared, asking its people to look into the fate of Gordaina's strongest fortresses, and work together to fight against the darkness. While not as big as Evangeline had hoped, the guild has rallied some promising forces together in hopes of bringing aide to the crushed forces and bring attention to the world, this horrible predicament.
