Horror Story

This folder contains characters from Horror Story. 

The concept of evil is personified on Earth 1C, where various trinkets, tokens, mcguffins and other evil items are manufactured and shipped straight from Hell itself. A young girl who Evil claims is its daughter is sent on missions nightly to deliver these haunted items where various humans will find and undoubtedly use them. From cursed boxes that grant wishes to mirrors that cause tragedy and death wherever they’re hung, this singular human is charged with transporting all of them within mere hours to locations across the world. Her knowledge of these items allow her to understand what makes them tick, their loopholes, and their weaknesses. Occasionally she feels compelled to assist the users of these artifacts. This aid often allows them to avoid fates worse than death, and her to have insight into the values and lives of humans. 

OC Admaa Monster Starbound Human Space Astronaut Monster girl DND Among Us AU Post-HD Impostor Lobcorp Parasite Fish Management Team among us oc dungeons and dragons monster