sᴀғɪʀɪ’s ᴏᴀsɪs

sᴀғɪʀɪ’s ᴏᴀsɪs


Founder/King:Started the pride as a blessing of the two guardians of the other realms.                            

Queen:Mate of the founder and leader of the females in the pride.

Heir:The Kings Successor is the second in line to takeover.

Advisor:The Second in Command, will step up and take over the pride if their is no heir or king. Sends out reports and aids in diplomacy for the pride.              

The Grand Council:Special elected pride members who works alongside the King.

Guards/Battalions/Gladiators/Warriors:Defends the pride in battle, patrols,everyday skirmishes, and keeping the pride land safe.                                                        
Healers:Uses herbs to heal sick and injured lions.

Shamans:A Male and Female Guide That helps with rituals for the royal family and other important pride members.                                                                      

Huntresses:Lionesses that hunts for the pride.  

Cubs:The prides newborns that grow up in 3 weeks.                                                                                       

Foundation Lone Bashkir Curly V1 Event Lion Artisan Offspring Baltic Husky V2 La LLuna Schnen Spitz Silver vine cattle Fog Mountain Yukons Mule-eared torden Halfblood Main adopt Ferox Welsh Ponies Daeva Nonelemental Warrior Event Myo Lion Explore Hoplites Helmsman Captain High God Familiar Sailor carran hound LBC Trick or Treat 22 LBC VDAY 23 Heffer High Goddess Healer Fallen Angel Sailor of La lluna First Mate Siren Rocky Mountain Trotter Mustang Saint Guardsmen Orphan The Grand Council Gatherer Explorer foundation Bull Huntress Gladiator Water LBC Xmas 22 M. Battalion Leader Fullblood Custom Sterile Founder Advisor Polemarchos Demon Little Barn Elemental Manticore TR Grand Master Oracle Arctic Elks Amycla XMAS Round Pen Round Up Imp Lady Tiger Nekomata Barrelman Earth Event Hound Gerousia Lead huntress F. Head of the Lion Guard M. Shaman Former Captain of La Lluna Mummified Demon Lokhagos Summer event myo Scout L2 of Gen 3 Goddess Torden Valentine 24 King Queen Snow leopard Sprite Barrelman of La Lluna Cleric Air Cartographer Event Breeding Former Queen Kralot Helmsman of La Lluna Strategos First mate of La lluna Sailor of La Lluna Feroxsurpus Tagmatarkhis Event Hyena L1 of Gen 2 L1 of Gen 1 LBC Easter 22 Former Princeza CTBGAF Kelso Shetland Pony Former King F. Shaman M.Head of the Lion Guard Dire wolf Kralicata Polaris Guardian Shaman Oasis Demon L1 of Gen 3 P Grand Master Princeza Featured In 2024 Valentines Event