Before looking at my characters please please respect that I do not want people making heavily inspired content based off of them. You are free to colorpick and take minor inspiration, but please make sure that your inspired content is not blatantly recognizable as being my own but slightly changed.

Were I a big successful IP owner I wouldn't be so upset by it, however I'm just one person, and these designs have meaning to me.

Please realize that making heavily inspired characters like this is not cute or flattering, (Especially if you are making profit off of them), it is theft.

I will block you without warning.

Thank you!

P1 le creb BITEBITE Art I Virulai Upd8 2DO rp nonchar Amoebud no Webcore mildly upsetting pasta Gen.2 Mignyan NERD PILE Splatoon Co own MYO 1615 alien NOT A DAINTY GRAAA CUSTOM4ME ftu raffle yes RHODIE Octoling One of many...Unfortunately MYWIFE resource f2e STRAWBERY FUKIGN AIRPLANE Kidcore Gift for spaceland webcore MINE OH MY GOD NEVER f2u sona..... WHITE BOY WEDNESDAY icecream mouse Tomoyoki Custom4Me pride Frutiger Aero