Shina-K's Bulletins

RP Comfort Meme

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago by Shina-K

RP Comfort Meme
A valuable meme for any role-player! Come and display your comfort levels so your role-play partners are aware of what they can do, and of what they should avoid! A healthy relationship between role-play partners is the key to a good time! While this meme shows the basics, please remember to communicate with your role-play partners!
[❤] - Personal favorite!
[✔] - Yes, I'm fine with this.
[●] - Yay/Nay, very much depend on the situation
[✖] - Nope
RolePlay Basics
Locations: [✖] Comment
[●] Chats
[●] Notes
[❤] Forum
[✖] Skype
[●] Google Docs
[●] Discord Messaging
Participants: [❤] One on one role plays.
[❤] Up to three people.
[✔] Up to four people.
[●] Five or more people!
[✖] As big as possible!
RP Requests: [❤] From anyone and everyone at any time!
[❤] When I ask for role-plays.
[❤] From friends and acquaintances.
[❤]From friends only.
MY Post Length: [✖] One or two sentences.
[❤] One or two paragraphs.
[❤] Two to five paragraphs.
[●] More than five paragraphs.
[✖] A few pages worth.
YOUR Post Length: [✖] One or two sentences.
[✔] One or two paragraphs.
[❤] Two to five paragraphs.
[●] More than five paragraphs.
[✖] A few pages worth.
Note:I'm more about quality over quantity. If you can express everything you need in 1 paragraph or need 6 paragraphs it doesn't matter to me, as long as you can express what you need to. I typically post around the same length as my partners. Just no one liners please. As important as it is to have meaningful content, I also need enough to respond to. Usually, a (3 sentence) paragraph is the barest minimum-
I understand having bad days.
When I Ship: [✖] Never.
[●] Our character know each other deeply.
[✔] Our character know each other deeply, and I know I can trust the role-player.
[✖] At the first sign of flirting!
[●] Only if the role-player and I plan it.
[❤] It depends on the character.
If you wanna Ship: [●] Talk to me about it from the start.
[✔] Talk to me about it once our characters know each other.
[❤] Talk to me about it once they both have some feelings for each other.
[❤] Talk to me about it when they finally decide that want to go beyond hugging.
Shipping Speed: [●] Swift as lightening!
[●] Fast, but not super fast.
[●] Happens in about three months.
[●] Slow and steady wins the race.
[●] Slugs know what's up!
[❤] My relationships know no speed. They happen if they happen.
Note:Heavily depends on the character. My more promiscuous OCs are pretty eager for heavy petting, but other OCs are very reserved. Typically though, these relationships are more superficial and more about satisfying urges rather than actual affection and romance.
Smut: [●] To skip the act entirely.
[●] To write the build-up, but skip the act.
[●] To write the act only if it is very special, but otherwise skip it.
[●] To write the act all the way through.
Drama: [✔] No violence at all!
[✔] I'm fine with verbal arguments!
[✔] Some violence, like a paper cut, or an accidental elbow to the face.
[✔] Mild violence, such as punching, kicking, hair pulling.
[✔] Violence, such as stabbings.
[✔] Beyond violence, such as torture and more.
Violent Acts: [●] Don't do it at all.
[✔] Talk to me about it first.
[●] Surprise me!
Note:For Smut/NSFW, I don't usually write it. But, I understand a lot of RPers enjoy to RolePlay intimate scenes. I'll write it if the other person wants to do that and I'm feeling comfortable with it. I WILL NOT RP NSFW WITH MINORS.
General Art: [✖] Do not post anything of (my/our) character(s).
[✔] Talk to me about it before posting!
[❤] Post what you like!
Dramatic Art: [✖] Do not post any dramatic scenes that that happened between our characters.
[✔] Talk to me about it before posting!
[❤] Post what you like!
Romantic Art: [●] Do not post it at all without talking to me.
[❤] Post it if it is cuddles and hugs.
[❤] Post it if it is kisses.
[●] Post it if it is much more.
[●] Do not post it at all if it depicts sexual acts!
[✖] Do not post it where I can see it, but draw what you like!
Note:I typically draw characters together if I'm super invested in the ship. As long as you credit my charcters as being mine and let me know you're posting it, I dont mind what you draw... well, as long as its not weird fetish fuel like strange inflation porn or like weird creepy stuff like that...

The Official Shina Wiki Page

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago by Shina-K

Canis Shinacus
The shina (Canis? Shinacus) is a small, mammal(?) with no known native environment. The shina displays a variety of different physical features, though are also easily recognizable from their diminutive stature and strange customs. Unlike many other species, the shina refrains from combat and politics in favor of a more ‘nomadic’ lifestyle. They’re self described hunter-gatherers, but in truth display more scavenger-esque tendencies.

The shina lives in any type of biome, with no noticeable drawbacks. It is metaturnal, resting periodically throughout the day in boxes or makeshift burrows, and emerging mainly to seek food and entertainment.

The shina is generally classified as a mammal, given it’s furry hide and self regulating body- but unlike other mammals, it does not seem to give live-birth nor produce milk. It’s difficult to classify the shina as a member of any particular family, genus, or even kingdom; given it’s varied appearances and physical traits.

Entomology The generic name canis means "dog" in Latin. The specific name, shinacus, comes from the first recorded specimen who titled themself as “shina the shina”. Thus, this is why they are referred to as shinas.

Physical Characteristics
The shina’s lifespan is currently unknown, as there are no recorded cases of dead shina. Sometimes however, they seem to vanish completely- usually following large-scale disasters. The shina is a squat, round, and fluffy creature. Typically they’re around 1-2 feet tall when standing, not including their ears. Their fur is a master insulator, keeping extreme temperatures out like a natural environmental regulation suit. They don’t seem to overheat or freeze, though in extreme temperatures their movement is reduced significantly, and they seem more prone to sleep. Typically the recognizable traits of the shina re the unique tail, the presence of some type of “collar” and their easily distinguishable “Shorts”. The ‘shorts’ are in fact a part of their bodies. It’s possible to shave off ‘a pair’ but other shina view it as indecent- even though they possess no genitalia. As such, no shina would willingly allow such a thing to happen, and would immediately search for a replacement before likely disappearing. They have no redeeming physical qualities and are extremely lacking in strength, and agility. Where they fail in athletic ventures however, they are incredibly resilient to the point where it seems injuries are completely undocumented. Whether it's because they seem to lack solid organs and bones (when it comes to physics) or their fur is so dense it acts as a kind of shield, no one is really sure.

On the outside, canis shinacus seems to be completely without any gender variation. There are no males or females, in fact they all seem to lack reproductive organs entirely. New shina seem to just “pop up” into existence, but there are some intricacies to how they multiply. Without the presence of a cardboard box, it’s impossible to cause a new shina to appear. The cardboard boxes act as either eggs or perhaps gateways (to the alternate plane it’s theorized they originate from) that fresh shinas need. Next, a token of food must be placed inside the box and left to sit for a while. It can take anywhere from seconds to months for a shina to accept the offering (only if it’s a satisfactory offering) and appear. Once it’s appeared, it uses its impeccable sense of smell to ‘imprint’ on the token offerer and follows them until it has determined its new home. (Usually this is the home of the offerer, but sometimes can be vehicles regularly used by them, or even a workplace.) The shina emerges fully grown, and no “child” or “baby” variants have been recorded. The shina’s tail is an interesting organ. It’s not really a tail at all, but rather a fruit bearing pod (that they seem to be able to wag). It plucks off painlessly and shina are known to eat discarded tails (even their own) as regularly as any other food. However, before they’re plucked, shina don't even recognize it as a potential food source, they will simply go without food rather than try to pluck their own tails. You can literally pop off one’s tail and hand it to them and they’ll eat it. No hesitation. But, they won’t pick their own. After it’s plucked, a new bud sprouts and in 2-5 days grows into a new fully functional tail. Lack of food or water can extend this growth period.

The shina does not need food or water to survive, but will become irritable if left unfed. If unattended they will eat anything they can get their hands on. Anything. There are recorded incidents of keys, visas, licenses, weapons, and even sentient creatures being consumed whole by shinas. They’re truly like the tigersharks of the universe. They’re able to photosynthesize, but they themselves deny all implications of self-sustaining behavior, usually saying things like “haha, I can’t make my own food- I’ll die if I don’t eat!” or “that sounds totally made up”.

Shina are often seen as vermin due to their seemingly one sided dependencies on their “hosts”, but make good traveling companions as long as rations are plentiful. They’re small enough to fit into tight spaces and are very intelligent even though they possess subpar verbal communication skills.

They’re smart enough to repair spacefaring vehicles from scraps, but when trying to vocalize complex ideas, lose themselves in simple ideologies. An example would be when describing how to make a smoothie saying things like, “you put the guys in the thing, right? Then you make it go!”

OC Wishlist!!

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago by Shina-K

I decided to organize my thoughts, so all of the species I really like, I'll list here on my OC Wishlist!!
(these are not listed in any particular order)

Closed Species


Other Stuff

  • Notails
  • Avians (winged humanoids)
  • Demons (all kinds)
  • Furries + Kemonomimi

Fave Artists:

  • Frog
  • umbral-wind
  • quicklevin
  • HerbYeen
  • seel
  • KasuSei
  • peachtarrot
  • ...

Commission Prices

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago by Shina-K
Commission Prices ☆

  • Headshot $10
  • Bust $15
  • Fullbody $20
  • Headshot $15
  • Bust $20
  • Fullbody $35
  • Headshot $20
  • Bust $25
  • Fullbody $30
  • Headshot $35
  • Bust $40
  • Fullbody $60

Extra Info

  • Payment methods I accept: Google Pay > Paypal > KoFi > Venmo/Square/Cashapp
  • For an extra charge, I can make a speedpaint of your commission which will be posted to youtube. You even get to pick the song! (SFW only)
  • Chibis are priced with busts
  • Pixel dolls are priced with 'clean' variants (Lineart + Clean Colored)
  • Super Detailed characters are extra based on complexity
  • Choice of transparent, solid, or gradiant backround available (shaped semi transparent available as well)
  • You can submit commission inquiries or requests either through Discord DM, Deviantart Note, or Email @ [email protected]
  • Discord: Kirozanagi#2048

Yes, we do.

  • Humans, Furries (Anthro + Feral), Androids, Fanart, OCs, Animals, Pokemon, etc.
  • NSFW (it's extra)
  • Multiple characters! (Just add on 50% more per character)
  • Character Design! (Ask me about it!)

No, we don't.

  • Underage or SHota/Loli NSFW
  • Diaperplay, "Watersports", Cub play, Feet stuff, Brain related fetishes, inflation, etc.
  • Gundam-Type Mechas or Super Detailed Characters

Order Form

Username: username
Commission Type: fullbody/headshot/etc
References: link to your character's references
Pose/Expression: optional
Character Details: age, personality, etc.
Extra Info: anything else you might want to add


Open commission type
Open commission type
Open commission type