SleepyBunni's Profile Comments

*Grabs you and runs away*



*Gasp* a giant dork!

*gasp* a giant-er dork! XD

Commented something on your sales account ❤️

what even is a gender?

it is an enigma 

Sent you a message on your sale account, I'm done with the fullbody :,D (Sorry for taking so long on that last one!) 

Ty for the fave on tbn! They’re ufs/t if you’re interested :)

id definitely be interested but i dont get paid for another few days! if your willing to take paypal for them ill come back when i have the money ;w;

I can absolutely do that, just let me know when you have the money :)

i have the money!! would you be ok with taking $50? 

I’d take that! My PayPal is [email protected] <3


11 Replies

heya! sorry to bother but i just found this image i made a long time back, and was wondering if you could credit the art to my toyhouse account instead? thanks!

Hey there! I have a few old adopts I adopted from you a few years back so I'm going to credit them to this account if it's alright? ^^

yep! thats fine! ^^

Hello their i was wondering if i could have the codeing for this profile its so cute ^⁶^ <3 

yeah sure! i got it from here!

Ty <3

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no worries i dont mind! though i can tell you that if the character your interested is an eliesprout i wont ever be parting with them! they're kinda my thing and i want to have as many as i can get my hands on lol so i wont be selling/trading any of them, like ever

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Hi there!

I’m sorry I’m not sure if you aren’t currently looking at character trades but is it possible that anyone here

 interests you for ?

im sorry! im not looking to part with him yet uvu

Oh that’s ok!

Thank anyway ^v^

Hi! Could I buy this guy?

if you still want them then yes you can, if you dont then just let me know ^^

Oh yes!! They're actually for a friend, not myself. You won't have to comment on the Ellemarines masterlist by the way, I spoke to lyresandharps the other day because I was going to purchase a myo ticket and they'll be an open species just shortly!

oh thats cool! you can send the money to [email protected] ;w;

i'll be able to send the money in a few days, theres something going on right now and it requires my full attention

alright, i wont hold the character but its unlikely someone else will ask for them within a few days so you welcome to come get them when your able uvu

5 Replies

Do you have a Warriors Amino account?

no i dont, why?

Ah someone was selling Karma along with other people‘s OCs, but the post is taken down now since I reported it :,0

here’s their link tho if you want to keep an eye on them

omg thanks for telling me! you wouldnt happen to know if she actually was sold do you? id have for someone to not know they bought a stolen character ;A;

I don’t think so :,0 I checked it after I reported it (which was yesterday) and then abt an hour later, the post was removed. There were no comments when I checked it, though it’s possible someone could’ve bought in DM,, I’ll let you know if I see em though hh

ok thank you! i really appreciate it! ;w;

Hello! I was wondering if was still for sale? I'd be willing to buy them for USD via paypal!

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;o; thank you!

I finished the 3 art pieces !! They're on my Twitter account ( _doemoe_ ) in the media section, I can't link it unfortunately ! I'll try to get on the other three customs ahhh !! ;;;

I'm belziibub by the way !

oh wow! they all look so nice!! if you could send me the files id really appreciate it! ;o;

also that lil animation of Pamper is so nice thank you!! ;o;

Hey man, does this corvidad design interest you for any of yours?

ahh they so pretty! but i dont think id be willing to trade any of my corvidad designs! they all pretty new and i love them all a lot ahh

If these characters are still open, I would love to adopt them!

yeee they open! sent the transfer for the free one! are you paying with paypal for the others?

Thank you! And yeah! 

Alright! You can send to [email protected] !

Payment is sent!

transfers sent! ^^

2 Replies

Do you consider trades for ?

I'll take

I really need money so probably only for a character i REALLY liked! you can offer trades tho!

and sure send the $1 to [email protected] ^^

feel free to check my folders, but any character with a coffee mug on their names are mainly off limits, you can try tho ^^

I'm off bed now, but I'll send the money tomorrow morning! (It's pretty late here now hahaha)

thats fine! i only saw one that i liked without a mug ;w;

I could actually trade Keyra, eventhough I love her I don't really use her and I'd probably use your character a lot more, so if that's fine, I can trade :3

Alright! im up for that trade! ^^

2 Replies


Thank you so much for the invite code <33

np! ^^

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he is!! you can send to [email protected]!

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thanks! and omg i love your characters so much they all looks so nice ;o;

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you have a cieran!! i didnt even realize XD

ye i really love them imma totally draw some of them omg

6 Replies

Hi, I'm trying to find the creator of this character and I think I may have got them from you


If not would you know who may be the designer?

im the designer! ^^

Thank you for the reply!

hiihii your art and designs are super nice!! just wanted to drop by and say that :>

Hi :3 Thank you for letting me join to this site ♥

hehe np!!

c: sell that charrie we were talking on?

hh probably ive sold lots of bbies recently ;w;

ooo ^^'

Hi Sanity! uwu

hewo! ^^

uwu thank you for subscribing to me!

So many children scREAMS I need more of ur designs hnng



so many IM GONNA DIE


i actually got dizzy looking at your collection aaa

omfg sorry XD

its fine lmao

hi can i steal ur way of pricing ur characters (like how u caption their art) its rlly good,

sure XD

throws confetti yaay now i can finally keep track of my characters worth lol

wOAH you have a loot of charecterss

yup ;w;

i might draw some of them cuz they r so bootyfuol

o mg that would be super amazing :D

yes ok :D



//flies through window

i am batman


well then

im flash


lets start a league of justice


look at my profile screams

o mf g

man it feels good to be batman




it is i

the one and only sin, Vera aka looop-holes



Thank you so much for the subscription!! ;u;

Ahh np! your characters are presh!! <33

Omg thank you aaaa <3

//cries bc i dont see the white ghosty child you bought from me do you still own him? rip


i just haven't gotten around to transferring him yet ;w;

heres his stash uvu

o thank god

just making sure bc i really love him still like hes a tiny peice of my soul if you ever wanted to trade him pls contact me first lmao but yeye hold onto him tho love the child like he deserves <3

hehe ok! <33

thank you <3

how?? do?? you own so many characters?? Like how do even afford them in the first place, plus somehow managing to get art for a good portion of them????? tell me your secrets to success

either that or I'm just really poor

I make lots of adopts and have no life ;w;

xD I'll try that

and i thought i was a character collector but geez you have so many cute characters

haha thanks!! i have so many more i haven't posted yet haha






i am almost constantly being flooded with notifications from you lets be hoarders togetherrrrrrrrrrrr

Im not even close to done uploading them XD

yessssssssss they can have play dates and tea parties XD

yes perfect

how do you have files that aren't over 2mb om like gahhh


idk XD