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Received! I’ll transfer the character over, when you can please confirm that you received what you purchased because PayPal has the money on hold until you do :’)

How do I confirm that I got it? I've never had it do that before ;o;

i looked through the help section in paypal and it said they sometimes hold payments for 24 hours if its to someone new so that might be it? if not then i think you need to say you didnt need to ship it on the activity page thing? idk i dont have anything to confirm on my end >.<

It didn’t let me say it didn’t need to be shipped, I put the status as shipped so maybe see if you can mark it as received? it says this, but im not sure if that means i can confirm is somewhere else or if i have to wait 2 days to confirm?? i feel really bad ahh ive never had this problem before! i can send you the character back and you can mark them as on hold until it goes through if you want? i dont know whats going on ;n;

Nah no worries this happens every time lol, if you can confirm in 2 days that would be fantastic <3

5 Replies