
This series is special in that I mostly envision it as a game but I have zero experience in ever completing a game, so it's mostly just a fun idea of mine that I like to work on from time to time. The characters designs are maybe a bit similar to WMP's but a little more consistent. 

Here's the story premise, afterwards I'll explain what kind of game I imagine it as:

Disco's only ever left his small town when traveling with family and when only Disco was left he stuck to staying them seemingly disinterested in exploring the center of Extraordland, until one day his house gets severely blown apart by an laser of some kind, having no other options, Disco walks around town looking for answers and eventually discovers there's a mysterious attacker on the loose, upon spotting a very suspicious seeming Becomore, Disco assumes it's his doing and along the way of chasing after him finds Big Tommy, who he begrudgingly lets come along. When they find this attacker it isn't Becomore but they discover they were under some kind of control and don't remember what happened and because of this convenient story, Disco still believes It's Beco's doing. And so Disco and Big Tommy have to go outside of the village to find Beco, get a job and accidentally become involved in something bigger than property damage. 

Game premise:

It's like a turn based RPG, a little bit similar to the Mario & Luigi series where you can preform timed button presses for better damage. There are main party members you'll get throughout the game but you'll also be able to complete side quests and unlock side characters to join your party. There'll be a few minigames, some in the main story and others optional. If you use a character a lot or gift them items you'll form a bond with them and be able to preform duo attacks that take both character's turns in exchange for powerful attacks and such. For story important characters you'll earn their special attacks as you play through the story more. 

YesDraw Male Female WMP To be redesigned Toon Monster W.i.p No Bio Monster w.i.p NoDraw Unique Species Cat Humanoid Animal Universe Entity Unnamed Genderless Dragon Draw More