The-Toybox-General's Bulletins

my word I've been caught up with irl happenings, some weird moving out issues I've been helping with ( not me, sadly ), ect. with stress comes not keeping up with th so often... my bad!
During this time, I've realized I might be able to part with some designs I'm a bit more attached to, if that makes sense?
Whether it be me realizing I don't use them as often as I should or that maybe another design would fit, I'm taking offers on these guys and figuring this stuff out!!!

Some of them I'm more tentative than others, but I think for all of them I'm more so looking for character trades rather than artwork
and most I cannot take USD on, but I'm not much looking for it with these!
[Design Preferences]
I've been really interested in LC designs and Packimps rn... but I'm open to anything!!

d9us3ja-875cad82-feb1-4d4e-a02e-41846770As a forewarning...
please don't be discouraged if I turn down your offer! I'm a picky sort of guy and am totally fine with reoffering as many times as you wish
and I'm okay with 3-way trades as long as you let me know you want to start one and for which oc!!
Also I'm a bit scattered given irl stuff, but I vow to respond to everyone... no matter how slow!

AND. A few of these ocs have names and lore I wrote for them - I will be reusing those things for future designs!
So, sadly, this time my writing is not for your taking... but feel free to ask any questions or whatever!!

You can comment or DM offers, I don't mind!
If we've spoken on Discord and you wish to DM me there that's ok! I thiiink I'd prefer dms on toyhouse but I'm so open to anything ^^

okay tysm lets get to itLAIN%20DANCING.gif

MALIN - Casinos / Nicooo Mignyan3344585?1659301583[ Designer Swaps, LC Designs, Other things off my prefs ; No USD ]
I'm insanely picky with this guy, but I think it is time to part with him...

PLAY - LC One off4780542?1701734021[ Designer Swaps, Other things off of my prefs ; No USD ]
reminder to self to ping maid for this guy going up for offers if memory serves

SLEEPY - LC One off5948736?1704479968[ Designer Swaps, Other things off of my prefs ; No USD ]

ROADSHOW - LC One Off12609473?1676144611[ Designer Swaps, Other things off of my prefs ; No USD ]
THIS IS SOOO INCREDIBLY TENTATIVE... I might take him off but for the right thing I may trade him!! Priority would be designer swaps...
i would be reusing all of his lore and name 100% 

OKAY. I'm so lazy, here's the rest of the tag!
More LC Designs, another Casinos / Nicooo design - other misc designer guys and like 2 other mignyans!
there's also one of my sketchy designs in there if that's your fancy LOL
mostly looking for chara trades, but feel free to ask any questions for offering and whatnot!
[ WRETCHED EO TAG ]eo%20guys.png

even if I say "other things off my prefs" feel free to offer me characters off of them! I may just be enchanted... but it may be hard to sway me yet...!
Tysm in advance for looking and potentially offering!

Another adopt poll - style! (examples under poll)

Posted 8 months, 20 days ago by The-Toybox-General

What finishing style do you prefer for my designs?

1 Votes Sketch Finish
1 Votes Hard Lines Finish
11 Votes I'm fine with either!
5 Votes I'm open to both, but prefer Sketched
5 Votes I'm open to both, but prefer Hard Lines

✨Adopt poll... pt 2!!!!✨

Thank you so much to everyone who's been voting on the last poll!!
I super appreciate the feedback and getting to know what you guys are leaning towards ^^)/ !!

Next question...
what do you guys prefer when it comes to how the finished product LOOKS?

I tend to get in my head about making them look perfect, but also I remember that one of my sketch designs did very well!
So I was wondering if there's really any preference or lean by the people here who follow for adopts on how the adopt looks in the final!
Of course, I'll still be probably doing a mix of both, but I'll be more open to finishing in one style over the other depending on what I see from the poll!!

( there are links below the images that lead to stashes with more examples + the ones shown in the image if you'd like to look at them better! )

Sketch Finish
a little more loose and faster for me to make! can have messier artwork / small holes in lineart or[ CLICK HERE FOR MORE SKETCH FINISH EXAMPLES ]

Hard Lines Finish
more work is put into finishing these! It's my usual type of adopt finishing style!
They're made to be as neat as possible with no intended line art mistakes / holes in[ CLICK HERE FOR MORE HARD LINES FINISH EXAMPLES ]

Thank you so much in advance!!! 
I really appreciate the feedback and getting to know what you guys think!!
Feel free to leave comments if you want to! :D

Also !!! Happy New Years! ^^

Tell me what designs you want ( adopts ) !!

Posted 8 months, 22 days ago by The-Toybox-General

What adopt types do you come here for?

4 Votes Cute / Stylish / Sleek
6 Votes Dark / Fancy / Antique
12 Votes Fun or Weird / Bold / Cartoon-y
3 Votes I'm here for your Pokemon Gijinkas, I don't care about themes too much!
2 Votes I'm here for Big Men
2 Votes I'm here for Old Men

Hello Toyhouse users... As you can see I'm slowly trying to return to normalcy... I still have art to get done and such and such!!
BUT. that is not the point of this bulletin.

What designs do you all follow me for...
( for those who follow me for the chance to snatch them. )
Is it the old men... is it the cuter designs... is it the big men...
Let me into your brain waves. 

I would appreciate comments but I will also take poll answers, though they may be limited unlike what the masses feel in their hearts !!
Also if u fall under multiple poll answers again I'd appreciate a comment but if you do not wish to that is so fair... 

Edit. Here are my design examples, actually . That might be important KGKMH

Butchery Custom Raffle Share

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by The-Toybox-General

GAH so cool ... last day... best of luck to all who may enter :3



Smallest updates in da west. Was absent for a while. life sucks whatever!!! omg!!!
I'm cracking down on my life and I've established a more set-in-stone schedule for myself :3

I have a to-do list for my artwork now
( will be visible probably in like a week, I'm just self conscious rn LOL and technically still working on it )
and have been sending out wips + finished products, ect !!
If you need any answers + responses from me right away you can always
throw a metaphorical rock ( message ) through my window ( dms )
But if you do not you will most likely hear from me at some point !!! Just don't be afraid to check in!!

I have like a lil adopt I made out of wanting to experiment with design concepting + make something serious for me
to get ready to go balls to wall for other serious art I gotta do today for others! >:3
So THAT GUY will be up probably in like a few minutes. 10 or something

life be so dumb. Florida man moment for real
I'm just gonna work on getting everything wrapped up and all nice ^^
once I'm done with my to-do list I'll probably make some post abt it in case I somehow forgor someone . fear in my heart.
Also once I'm proven good with everything I think I wanna make some big raffle design or something.
For the gratitude from me to you !!

This was super unprofessional but thank you so much if you read it!!
I am so very slow but thank u for all walking with me ( metaphorically in a sweet way )


Posted 2 years, 14 days ago by The-Toybox-General


Without further ado I premiere another, LONGER, trade bulletin!
Because I feel like I have too many characters I haven't put to use yet and THOUGH I love them... mayhaps it should be time to let go!

Some ground rules and what to expect under a spoiler:
1) my general offer suggestions apply, mostly that if you offer me your whole Toyhouse that is OK!
but I prefer specific tags, trade accounts or ideas of what characters you will and will certainly not trade!
It makes things move along more smoothly =w=)b !
but I'm open to discussions and won't kill you if you don't have tags or whatever else!

2) I will be replying to everyone, just most likely VERY slowly!!!
dear god my life is a wreck rn BUT I will get back to you, if it takes a while that's my bad!
just be patient with me and know to expect a wait time at worst!
Also if I don't reply in a week feel free to bump / remessage!!!
I won't be mad im either considering really hard, busy, or forgor

3) You can listen to this song while offering if you wish, it's the dealers choice ( mine )
( PIKUNIKU - Free Money 10 minute version )

4) If you offer on characters that are visible / you can see on my toyhouse but not linked in this bulletin...
You CAN.... but its most likely not going to happen! I'm highly HIGHLY tent but you can try your luck...?
ocs that are absolutely off limits that I know off the top of my head:
??? probably anyone tagged "Spotlight" or "Dream Design" but hey just be ok with me probably saying no if u try!

♦ if you can see Siaowemushi and want to try and offer... do not!
it will make me upset... im a baby when it comes to him o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ !!!

5) Be cool and have fun 😎

Click Here For My Design Preferences6ffa339b.gif

each one will have a blurb under their name letting you know what they are and what I'm looking for!
...except for these guys I'm lumping them together!
If a character has art by me I'll add in a little 💐 bouquet emoji in their description!


Click on their names to be taken to their profiles!

For all of these guys I'm looking at...
Character Trades, Customs, Tentatively Artwork!
My most tent one is Level, but the other three I'm sooo... im sooo loose... never found out what to do
also pretty sure devil's train can be voided? and I'd allow it and look into it for whoever would want it ^^

Might as well look for offers!
Heaven knows if slots are here I have no current idea of how to use them yet

Tentakitsune Slot ~ Chara Trades / Custom Offers / Picky with artwork
Worcimex Slot ~ Chara Trades / Custom Offers / Artwork


Love them so much but... no ideas! They're a delight to draw but!!A AUGH!!

I'm only a little tent!!
Trades, Customs, Art ( picky! )

I do love him! But I fear his design might be a bit ambitious for me to draw regularly?!
Either way, I'm tentative but would certainly trade for the right design!
Trades, Customs, Wouldn't currently take art alone!

6779932?1588463818TRAVLER SHEEP
Lost my original story with this guy and think they're be better in the hands of another...!
not tent, just give them a good home!! <:'O
Trades, Customs, Art

OK. that is all... FOR NOW.
apologies for formatting this in the longest way possible, but thank you for checking out my wares and possibly offering!
You can comment on this bulletin OR dm me, either way expect slow responses, but I will get back to everyone!

Let me know if there are any thoughts or concerns, ect ect!

and, if you didn't read the rules spoiler, you CAN offer on characters outside of this list but expect:
 Extreme Tentative-ness, most likely a heightened chance of rejection, and perhaps a funny image of a cat?!
but never expect harshness... we like to have fun in this house!!!!
853892723333267476.gifThank you once again see u in comments

Edit 2/24/23:
helloooo I removed a few I traded / kept and have been scavenging thru my toyhouse
evaluating who im not using / cannot draw / not feeling the spark for anymore ヽ(*。>Д<)o
So I have a few more additions for eo, but have currently ! offered a few of them to someone
and am not throwing other offers into da ring. i also still have to send replies. mine god help

TLDR. replies need to happen + more characters might be coming . ooga booga

Small Update and EO soon...!

Posted 2 years, 15 days ago by The-Toybox-General

Hey guys on Toyhouse... I'm back to give you another update that boils down to
"I'm still getting back to people and still am rather slow but things are ok"
If I haven't gotten back to you in a while.... SOON!
or throw a message at my head at mach 20 the day after tomorrow
( theres a hollow donk )

I'm doing my best to get owed work out and done with so if I still owe you stuff I'll come in with updates!
I resketched / polished up a few things deadass just because of time and a few tips I picked up to improve my work / workflow ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠:⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠∧⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠:⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ !!!

Once again cannot thank everyone enough for rolling with the punches of my late responses BUT I'm confident in finally getting things MOVING
and then when I'm done with my queue, I'll probably take a solid break from art based trades + commissions and / or only take up one thing at a time--
the latter seems more realistic just because I still enjoy making things for other people and drawing other people's OCS in general! ^__^

Life sucks, few things are NOT going as planned but hopefully I'll get better at regulating myself to the harsh waves of life's ocean
( or whatever cool and intellectual people say! )


Also I'm opening up a long ass EO / Trade bulletin VERY SOON.
Because I keep reviewing my ocs and trying to decipher which ones I can let go and which ones I will use in time and love... So yeah!
I have a few OCS I put together that I could probably send off to better homes and am remaking my preference list to better reflect my wants nowadays,
my old one felt hard to add-on to! So we will see that... Soon!

Tysm for reading and I wish you all a very lovely day and night (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)

Dreadnaught Launch Event !

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by The-Toybox-General

shut up. little horror sea dudes. im so excited to see more???
but im a sucker for sea species when they hit just right in my fish brain 


go and have fun if you so wish!!!!

YUMI&JOMYU Raffle Sharing

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by The-Toybox-General


they're so stunning, might as well throw in my hat over here too!
gl to everyone who enters!!!

Such very cool designs!! But I have my biases... Old men... (*˘︶˘*).。*♡... So you know where my heart lies...

Check it out if u can!! I've been looking respectfully at the species... Seems p cool!!!