Bristlebrooks Colony

The Silver Gorge is home to Bristlebrook and her colony, which consists of exiles from the Colony of the Mire and a couple of housecats recruited along the way. Bristlebrook was exiled by her half-sister, Lakenight, after she killed Lord Dustbright. Along with her littermate, Rippleriver, Bristlebrook had been an avid supporter of Dustbright and had openly protested his murder. Big mistake. Lakenight and Bristlebrook fought, costing the latter an eye. This savagery from Lakenight prompted several other cats to join her half-sister and they left the Mire for what they deemed to be greener pastures. Several housecats also joined them. The Gorge they made their home lies some distance from the swamplands, the river marking the boundaries between both them and their former Colony.

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