TheOtterMan's Bulletins


Posted 26 days, 4 hours ago by TheOtterMan

this week  i am having breast reduction  surgery (   not embarrrased of saying it its a normal thing to do . )   wich meens  i wont be working on art    for a while during the healing   process after it , its not a big deal of a surgery  but ofc the healing process is gonna take a while and due to it art is  gonna temporarly  be put  to the side   ,   as after the surgery i just wanna focus on relaxing and healing , ( Eventually  plan on removing my chest  aka top surgery ,  but this is all i can get   for free in my country without it counting as cosmetic ,    my  chest as been a pain my whole life not just mentally due to gender issues but also because it kills my back  and hurts )

   i will try to get as many art out as possible this week before my surgery but  i cant promise i will be able to reach everyone in time ,  so    i wanted to let yall know   ( + the people im pending art to that i will ping in this post ) about this , not only will art be slow/non existent so will adopts , and  my precense online to avoid any stress.

if you wish on reaching me   to  talk please do it via discord ( if your a mutual /friend of mine ) as i prob wont be active on toyhouse much after the surgery .

( surgery is this thursday )

again i apologize to the inconvinience  and i will do my best to get yalls art out in time  , just been struggling alot with loss,mental health  and  alot more wich slowed art down and now the surgery is coming up . 

if by any case you do wish your  art finished this week please let me know and i will do my best , but if your patient enough  to wait i apreaciate it.

during this time  art trades will be closed ( only open for friends/mutuals )  , commissions will be closed too ,  and so will collabs , as i wish to just heal  in peace  . ( and if you ask why i do still do art trades during my healing time is because i love doing art trades with friends and mutuals and thats quiet calming , unlike it being art i have pending  wich often stresses me out due to me wanting to have it done and given to you in time )

thats all wish me luck ! :D  lets hope this surgery goes well and that  the healing process isnt  too bad.

pinging people im pending art to so they know :

Souichi  PhoenixFire2755   AutumnAlley  Sleepybelphie_   Hayjoi  Auburnwing 

taking a small break ( read )

Posted 30 days, 6 hours ago by TheOtterMan

taking a small break off social media , toyhouse  and stuff for a  few days im extremely  overwelmed and tired all the time and being online stresses me out , so if i take any time long to reply to people im so sorry  ,    its just im  overwelmed alot to the point i trow up  ,  dont eat , feel tired and moody all the time ,and the stress of having to do art piles up on me , so please  let me rest ,  and  once im back i will get back to doing everything .

awful news : fly high buddy

Posted 1 month, 13 days ago by TheOtterMan

sadly   chai didnt survive the trauma the incident caused him ,  we dont know if it caused him any broken back or if it was a head trauma , but he didnt make it.

today  i went to get him off his cage and he wasnt being as active as he used to , he couldnt walk only waddle  and he  refused to eat and drink,

i tough he was gonna get better cause he came running to us( despite the dificulty ) he wanted cuddles and kisses and we tough he would make it fine.

we left to the market to grab some feeding supplies for him as we got home he had passed away .

i feel like shit , first my dog now my bird.

i wish i had been more careful now he is gone ,   had i been more careful he do still be here today .

fly high chai  i will miss you forever  , you were  such a big help with my depression and anxiety ,  you were my baby i saw you as a son ,  i failed you as a father .

i hope you and chica are enjoying being together and playing  wherever you went .

with this   please , if u mean  to talk to me be kind , be patient , and if i have art / customs pending to you please understand that right now i cant.

i just had such a bad situation

Posted 1 month, 14 days ago by TheOtterMan

to anyone who owns or plans on owning cockatiels ,  please  cover any hole in the places they live in ,  even if u think  they wont get in there trust me they will.

my cockatiel got himself stuck behind a closet in his room ,   idk for how long he was there but after we took the  closet litterally apart to  get to him he was having a  shock attack ,  he was trembling so bad and i honestly felt so much guilt ,  i see him as my child so seeing him in so much  stress    made my anxiety really bad. 

he is now asleep on his cage , i have never seen him so  slow  , but havent seen any injuries on him wich is great.

  cockatiels are curious birds and  this just prooves he will get himself where his curiosity takes him

i have a waterdog myo  ,   +rare treats and im struggling to  make a waterdog ,  if anyone would be intrested in  designing one for me  please let me know , im willing to offer art ,  characters , customs  and maybe money but i currently am trying to save for something . 

doing free traditional sketches :D!

Posted 1 month, 27 days ago by TheOtterMan

im waiting for my phone to charge so i can work on commissions   and i need to get back into traditional art cause i start school next week and need to get used to it ( cause i doodle alot)

so im doing free sketches cause im enjoying doodling right now ! :D

it can go from  a headshot to a full depends on how i vibe with your character 

feel free to link a character under 

( will also be doing a post but my mutuals,friends, followers are  my priority  💖 )

so im fucking tired of seeing this shit happen all the time ( sorry for the strong language )

my FREEBIES are now EXCLUSIVE  to mutuals  ,friends and followers only!

if your just gonna get a freebie trade it to another account u own and try to profit of it fuck off.

 its disrespectful to the artist who gave u the character  , as they didnt manage to profit of it and you went out of your way to ask someone who was being nice  , and then go and do shit like that .

from now one freebies will only be given  to the people i said up there , i am tired of this shit 

now about the t.o.s

 im fucking tired of this shit happening and happening ,DONT  buy/offer on my characters if u just plan on doing extra profit from  them  , had 2 people do that shit to me its upsetting , yeah they traded art for the character , but then proceeded to add art to the gallery in less than a day of getting it   and trying to sell it for double the amount . 

i dont mean u cant resell my adopts/otas ofc u can  , but if your gonan get em  right away just to trow em into trades/sales + adding extra art to make more money  DONT OFFER  it pisses me off especially if a character had the tent  on them.

its frustrating to see someone basically grab my creation and try to profit of it cause they have a better artstyle/hq art or beccause they slapped some quick art on it and put it right on sales .

from now on  my characters will all have a t.o.s written on them with a rule ´´ you can only resell/trade this character after 3 weeks from  getting them´´ to avoid shit like this. 

so hmm some not really good news-

Posted 1 month, 29 days ago by TheOtterMan

 so  im being forced back into school next week , i really didnt wnana get   back but the stress i was under was so much  i gave in ,  so i will be going to school to attend classes made for me to try to get my   degree i guess.

i didnt fucking want this cause honestly  its so stressful to me personally to be back with people( teachers ( that made me suffer , that humiliated me infront of others. 

the system in my country is fucked ,   were forced to  have 12 grade , if u dont have a degree then you cant even fucking work  as a cashier its so stupid how  to even work as a fucking cashier , cleaner etc you need a dam degree  . 

i am exausted ,  i know i need to finish school or else i cant find a job but at the same  time the hell ima go trough   is gonna make me sick .

art delays will happen with all of this i am so sorry to anybody im pending art to , i will try to rush and get every artwork i have pending done this week cause idk honestly how much free time i will have in the start of next week ( when im going back to school ).

 so if  after next weak i have any delays in responses , art , etc its due to school . 

( i am extrmely unhappy at this  , but  its not a matter of a choice its a matter if i wanna end up homeless or  if i wanna be able to provide for myself . )   

fuck my country .

i now accept payments via ko-fi

Posted 1 month, 30 days ago by TheOtterMan

i still take payments via paypal but now also accept ko-fi payments :)! ( im still testing it out so i might struggle a bit with it ! )

just wanted to let yall  know 

Pokemon adopts?

Posted 1 month, 30 days ago by TheOtterMan

Pokemon adopts

1 Votes Yes
0 Votes No

Y'all want the Pokemon adopts back?