
Pursuit is a story that explores a pair of interconnected planes; these separate worlds lie mostly parallel to each other, bending and shifting. When they happen to touch, beacons form, allowing travel between the two planes. Several permanent beacons exist, but their creation–and the formation of typical beacons, which only last hours or perhaps days–is shrouded in mystery. 

Earth is the first plane. Here, a variety of sapient species exist, including humans, elves, and the draconic. Their magic power varies by individual, but most have at least some magic ability, even if it is rarely used. This Earth’s people have technology comparable to our own, and their interest in magic has caused them to take a greater interest in the world that connects to theirs.

The second plane is known as Elysium. In contrast to earth, it is largely barren, filled with little besides rolling fields and forests full of magic-dependent plants. Magic permeates the very air here, and it has few permanent sapient residents. Those who do live here are known as fae; whether they are mortal or not is unknown, and they seem to have no interest in answering the question. Their bodies are adapted to absorb and utilize the excess magic in the environment to the point that, if they are to travel to Earth, which has little free magic, they will have difficulty surviving for long. Whatever the case, fae have fluid appearances, able to take on animalistic or humanoid forms at will. Each fae seems to be aligned with a certain Earth species, though some are less recognizable than others.

Pursuit follows students residing on Earth near one of the few permanent beacons. The University they attend is particularly interested in Elysium, and the characters find themselves drawn to the beacon for one reason or another.

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