Sanctum hotel

Sanctum hotel is the hotel to have a reservation for. The largest and most well-known hotel in the Record district.  The many story tall white marble cliff like structure stands tall and proud a virtual land mark of the surrounding buildings. The hotel has an air of power around it as well as for those that often stay in its rooms. Or at least the upper floors. It is known as the hotel that has safe rooms for many important clients tell around the realm and even other dignitaries. This claim of fame does not come easily as the hotel owner is very dedicated to safety and security for all that book a room.  For even with the clear “highbrow” air its more important client tell brings the hotel it still opens it’s door to the casual visitor to the city or those in need. Having several open jobs to anyone that needs a little help to their feet or even a cheaper housing to try and get home after losing it all at a casino.The ground floor of the hotel houses many smaller business and other amenities such as a gym and pool in its basement and a dare care, laundromat, and a well renowned restaurant right off its lobby. 

That restaurant being the Cosmic Café a 6 star restaurant on a scale of 5.the sleek clean silver ice blue and white interior offering the best food in the entirety of the district. Offering two separate eating areas for those of upper class and those of the normal day meal. Entertainment is provided mainly buy staff but the place is not afraid to offer venue upcoming performer. the food is to die for and the staff is clean and polite it is a must visit of the hotel. Though reservations are often much needed at dinner rush.

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