Yulettia's Profile Comments

STOP ✋ ----WHY are your characters so heckin PRETTY 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍😰

AND YOUR ART & CHARACTERS ARE ABSOLUTELY BREATHTAKING !!! I'm really honored that you like my characters (*๓´╰╯`๓) <3

(if you have a pinglist for when your commissions open again please do sign me up 🙏)


thanks for the fav! <3

Your profile and OC's are so pretty!

You're welcome <3 Your characters are wonderful as well!

thank you~! If you're interested in buying any of the ones up for sale or anything lemme know! You have yourself a wonderful day.

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No problem! I love your characters! o(≧∇≦o)

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Sure! I'll send you one in just a moment ^^

Could I have a TH code plz?

Sure! I'll send you one in just a moment ^^

Hi there! May I have a TH code?

Sure! I'll send you one in just a bit.


Hi there! You have a great profile and I love browsing your characters! Keep being creative!!

Thank you! <3 ;U;

Thank you for subscribing me hxhdjsssj I just checking your profile and omg it would be a waste if I don't subscribe to you ;;;;w;; all your arts and characters are beautiful and gorgeous!!! I'm looking forward to seeing more >w<

Thank you so much too and same here! I absolutely adore your characters and art * ____* Just randomly saw your characters when I took a look at the forum games today. I definitely want to see more of them and your art in the future <3 <3.

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Thank you! ;U; <3. Aw, if you need help with things like that definitely don't hesitate to message and ask. I'm always happy to help if I can. Worlds are definitely more difficult to build than characters asdfghj. I've been putting off writing my other characters' worlds/story info for a while now.

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Your characters are absolutely beautiful!

Thank you! I'm glad you like them ^^

Your art is are real pleasure to look at. Instant subscription 💕

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like my art. It means a lot to me ;v; <3

I happened to have randomly found you and it is always a treat when this happens.

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Hello! And aw, thank you! I'm glad you like my art >//v//<

Oh my goodness. Thank you so much for the code!! It helps a lot 

You're welcome! <3

Oh my goodness! I love your characters and their world so much! Great designs and compelling plots!!

Thank you! I really appreciate that you like my concepts! ♥

I can't tell. Maybe I'm a derp. Do you draw all your characters? I'm guessing you do? I'm in love with the art style. Do you take commissions? I should probably check your DeviantArt but I was impulsively in love with your style and so just... messaged. <3

I do draw my characters but I never really post them. I'm glad that you like the art of my characters though! If you want to know the artist or designer of a particular character or art piece, it should be listed in the credits, but if you can't see them feel free to ask!

Your character designs/concepts are lovely too. I neglected to mention that. My apologies. The art that took my breath away most is your user avatar. I love that style so much. Who made that so I can see if they'll do a commission for my own OC as well? Thanks for taking the time to talk to me! :)

I'm glad you like my concepts as well! You mean this art piece right? The artist is https://toyhou.se/Zethya. It seems like their commissions are closed for now, but I'm sure you can grab a slot once they're open again! <3

That one exactly! Thanks for the link. I'll stalk their page and when they open up commissions, I'll politely inquire and be sure to gush that I found them through you so they know their art for you is appreciated. :) Have a great day! <3

everytime i come back here i always look at wicke <3

//o// I'm happy that he's that memorable for you. I'll try to update his profile soon with some changes and additions to his story <3. I should really start working on Neverland again now that I have enough characters to work with haha.

NICE! <3 is neverland going to be a comic series? 

Most likely a Visual Novel or a story written by me in case I can't make a game out of it <3. 

the best of luckie! :D

Thanks for faving my kid, its appreciated.

Hope you have a good weekend.

No problem! They're absolutely lovely.

I hope you'll have a good weekend as well <3.

So i have been kinda thinking about it... I feel like I could make a tab for headcanons. So could you send me some for james Mitts?

I'll send some your way when I get to it! :)


goo goo eyes at all your babies 

heart eyes on all of yours 👀❤️

Thanks for the favorite again 💖

No problem! I'm always happy to see your characters <3 <3

it was so hard to pick, i kinda wanted to doodle all of them tbh...

AaaaA thanks for drawing Wicke!! I love it ;;v;; I'm glad you like my characters u vu <3

If it helps I think that the drawings you've been putting out recently have really neat lineart and looks crisper if that makes sense? I really wish you luck with changing up your art style and I hope you'll be satisfied with it in the end :D

Thanks for the favorite

 Absolutely adore so many of your characters. 

No problem !! Thank you as well. Your characters are awesome too, so much nice art u vu <3

Gahh thank you so much. Made my day 💖

ur kids are beautiful ;v;

omg yours are beautiful as well ;V; I've been seeing them around the forums these past few days <3 <3

hhhhthankyouaaaa ;v;v;v;v

one day i want them to achieve ur level of


well honestly same here xD is it weird that I actually thought the same thing when I saw how poetic and clean your characters' profiles and folders were?? g O ALS


you should see my lore google doc it is literally the messiest, incomprehensible pile ever

i just cherrypick the best bits for bios because i hate leaving them empty ;v;

Whats the history behind Neverland? :D

If you mean how I thought of the concept, it's a pretty simple story actually. I've always wanted to write a more spooky concept where everyone's crazy or just plain weird. It was just something that randomly came to me xD. Writing this now I think I usually like those weird or unique looking characters in mangas and anime, hence why I really wanted to write my main characters in a setting like Neverland (And why one of them, Wicke is kinda crazy as well). For the name 'Neverland', it was actually inspired by one of my favorite visual novel games, "Cinderella Phenomenon". 'Neverland' in the game was a box containing one of the character's powers. I was just inspired by the name and the name was just stuck in my head for a while for some reason--maybe becuase I liked the idea of 'Never'? As in 'never' grow up, 'never' normal, and the negativity behind the word 'never'. ajfalkgjs hope this made sense ahaha. I'm not good with explaining things.

i stan this story concept! ;u; i can imagine the worldbuilding! I feel liek this would be a potential rp group. aaaaaa i look forward to the story progress~

Ohh that's a nice idea. I haven't really tried doing rp but I might get into it once I'm less busy! And thank you for the kind words. ; V; <3 I'm glad people like my concept >//<

   if you are tho, count me inn <3 


hii just wanted to drop by and say i love your art & characters :>

Aw thank you for the sweet words!

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It's a cropped image of this bust! https://toyhou.se/2558214.wicke#8920054 by ariarozen @da :) They might have bust commissions open if you note them.

No problem~~hope you were able to draw some lovely characters to calm down.

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I just realized that I haven't changed his name to Waltz in one part of his character info. Thanks for indirectly making me double check!! ;U; <3 asdf. It's really sad ;v; A lot of people in the kingdom want to help him but he always refuses to get any help. 

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Ah, I haven't tried roleplaying with any of my characters actually. None of my characters are well-developed enough for me to do so I think. I can't roleplay right now but I can definitely let you know in the future if I'm ready to try it out! Most likely when I'm more confident in my English skills and knowledge of my characters. >v<

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