aircraft's Bulletins

Extended Teelia Bulletin

Posted 1 month, 24 days ago by aircraft

TW: This post talks about NSFW and CSA briefly

This is in regards to Teelia / / 
Other names they go by are Teelia Pelletier / LadyTeelia / Sato / Satomail / Avi / AvianaArts / AviJethArts / Jethro / Vidyal (these are all public names)

  1. Disclaimer
  2. Stolen Designs
  3. Paywalling Art Illegally
  4. Stolen Characters
    1. Keeping Characters Prisioner
  5. Closing Statements
    1. Opinions and Cylynix doc

As I've come to find out that Teelia is nonbinary, I will be using they/them as there is no known place that I can see pronouns listed. If I slip up, it's not on purpose. This was /is written with the context that when I knew Teelia, they went by she/her and was identifying as female. If Teelia has pronouns listed somewhere, feel free to tell/show me and I will update this post.

DISCLAIMER: I am making this bulletin out of necessity as I see many people disregarding valid claims in favor of claims that can be waved away. I am also posting this here because I do not have anyone besides Teelia and their family blocked here, and their fans have complained that they've rightfully been blocked by parties involved. I am not removing my blocks on my main account because I am not obligated to lol. I do not wish to interact with anyone I have already blocked past this post.

I have made comments regarding my stance on Teelia's relationship with Lupis here. Besides this, I'm not going to comment on their stances on LupisVulpes or incest/questionable content in their book. Those are rooted in opinion and I'm not going to convince anyone that likes Lupis or likes digesting questionable content/publishing these type of things in children's books that those things are actually bad/weird regardless of context. Because of that, they are not vital to the current conversation.

Another note; I want to be done after this post, as I will be laying out everything that is relevant to/from me in the conversation right now. I see people commenting on how they side with Teelia more because of the way they lay out their stances eloquently. I wish for you commenters to look at the facts and proof provided that clearly contradict their words.

I have already made a post about how Teelia stole my designs here. Whether or not you think they stole them, It's extremely obvious that they has taken inspiration from my designs to 'remake their design'. They are not a whole new character, they are the same. You're purposefully being obtuse if you think that just because Teelia says that they're different characters, or that they are based off a specific prompt, that they are. They are not, and any outsider to this conversation could see it's clearly just a redesign.


Redesigns are not against my T.O.S.; What is against my T.O.S. is splitting these designs. Their reasoning being they 'don't want to associate with me anymore', which is fine but what is not fine is splitting these designs and saying you made them.

Why does it matter?

Whether or not you care, Teelia is purposefully breaking my T.O.S and overstepping my boundaries. I do not like split designs. I have never liked them. I have been vocal about my distaste for them in general and in private with Teelia. They know/knew that I do not like them. Regardless of your stance, I am not comfortable with my designs being split up, and I'm even more uncomfortable with them splitting the characters and selling/trading the originals without telling the new owners.

I do not see this as anything other than them doing this out of malice.

If you are able to extend Teelia the grace to act the way they have act/acted, then you are capable of doing the same for me. I am uncomfortable with my designs being split. End of story.

If they want to make new designs not inspired/ripped off my original designs, then they are free to. I am not demanding that Teelia keep the designs I made them. Frankly, I would prefer them not to. But it is very clear that they still want the designs, but just without my name on them. Teelia has a history of taking credit for designs they have not made. The characters Radio and Pictures, two of the main characters in their story were designed by two different people, yet they are not credited on their Toyhouse. Teelia thinks that a redesign of a character automatically makes them the creator. It does not.

What do I want them to do?

Simple; If they want to keep the old designs, they need to buy back/compensate for the designs they've already sold. If not, give these redesigns to the new owners. It's not fair to them or to me.

In the same post, I commented how Teelia has been breaking my T.O.S. in regards to their $50 Patreon Tier.

the $50 tier states as one of it's perks: "Authorization of my Toyhouse (access to unwatermarked and hidden images for my  characters, a TH code can be provided as needed!)"

my art rules clearly state that my art strictly falls under the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (

As stated above, my art is not to be used commercially, but Teelia is doing that exact thing. I have seen my art tab fill with some of my older art, but I know that they still have images hidden that I have made for them, illegally. Teelia needs to remove my hidden artwork from their Toyhouse, or they need to unhide the art I have made for them to stop breaking my rules. It's as simple as that.

Also in the same post I talk about stolen characters. A trade between me and Teelia contained them making me a full ref sheet for two characters that I owned- Feltlands/Synthetic & Circus.

Yes, they still have these designs. No, they did not complete their side of the trade. I can't see how anyone could see this as anything but Teelia stealing from me. It's very evident by other testimonies that they frequently do this to people they don't like, or just out of forgetfulness. I'm not holding that against Teelia as I also forget from time to time, but do you think it would be fair to get full payment for a half design?

Why have I not said anything before this?

I am going to be vulnerable to give context: I let a lot of things my friends do or didn't do for me slide. It was something I was inadvertently raised into as I tried not to upset people around me. I was, and still kind of am, extremely afraid and uncomfortable with arguing, fighting, or making people upset. I shut down, physically and verbally in high stress situations. In reality, I just don't like to stir the pot if I don't have to.

Something I did compulsively when I was younger is make new accounts and delete/hide old ones; I also did this with my art and characters. I continued this up until my late-teens to early-twenties. I would hide art I created and delete myself from the internet out of deep seated fear and paranoia. I have told Teelia this, yet every time I did something like this, Teelia would chastise me. Sometimes it was playful, but other times it felt as if they were fed up with it/me. I can understand how this was annoying to them, but it was something I could not control at the time. I could not control my fear responses or my paranoia.

I was friends with Teelia for many years prior to this. I knew how heated and mad they could get from the most minuscule things. I figured I could cut my losses and just take the half payment for the whole trade- I mean, at least I got a design out of it, right? But even that doesn't negate the fact that the trade was unfinished and unfair. 

I wholeheartedly accept that I am also in the wrong for not bringing it up sooner, but I am also giving context as to why I didn't. As said before, this does not negate the fact that Teelia did not finish my side of the trade.

At the same time, I've noted in my previous post how Teelia didn't finish art that they owe me. They still haven't finished it and I don't really care nor want them to make me the design and art. I just think it's something to note as Teelia has done this in the past, and is continuing to do this.

I was told I should perhaps talk about this next situation even if it has been resolved. I agree; I want people to understand why I believe Teelia has been vengeful and malicious to me and others on purpose.

Me and Teelia agreed to do a trade- I was to give them my characters Jouske along with his crew and story for an animation meme by them. I sent them the characters and then I proposed a Two Time meme to them but they shot it down as Teelia was "already making one", so I instead sent them another script they could go off of. They declined it saying that it was too complicated. I do not doubt it was complicated nor do I fault them for declining these things, but that does not negate the fact that Teelia essentially held and kept hostage these characters after we had our falling out for over a year.

I understood how vindictive and obsessed Teelia got with their 'haters' or 'anti-teelia' groups, or just people they don't like. They were obsessed with these groups and would talk to me about the people in these groups and how they wronged them, or how they were trash/mean/liars/combative/etc. Even while being Teelia's friend, I understood that they would prolong these interactions with people that they were mad or upset with, just because.

I was at a loss of what to do at this point- I lost my former fursona and his family and I was without this art that Teelia owed me, and that I didn't even want at that point. I mulled it over; I didn't want to, in essence, 'poke the bear' as I had some hope they we could mend our friendship. That never happened, and Teelia still kept those OC's of mine. Mid to late 2021, I had sent them a message asking politely if I could have my characters back- If anything, I wanted specifically Jouske back, as he is very dear to me.

Teelia proceeded to ignore me for a year. Resentment was growing, I knew what they were doing. I was waiting for them to inevitably sell/trade off these characters of mine, as they usually do, and get them back that way somehow. I'm glad I didn't take this route, realizing how wrong Teelia was in this situation and how they don't deserve this kind of grace from me.

I sent them another message, my final message to them that if they did not give me back all my characters that I would post something akin to this. Saying how they have stolen my characters. There was no reason for Teelia to keep these characters as long as they did, and after they have distanced themselves from me. They finally sent them over after that message.

It had to take over a year and threat of a callout for them to finally give me back these characters that they didn't even own in the first place.

Closing words; 

After everything, I kept Teelia out of my mind, despite them still having a bunch of my things. I didn't think it was worth it to vocalize my gripes, and at the time it wasn't. That was, until I saw a toyhouse post linking to this thread on Twitter. That is what the whole LupisVulpes stuff was about. Seeing many people express concern and talking about how weird Teelia has been to them, or how they were unnecessarily rude or mean to them made me feel safe enough in the crowd to talk about what Teelia has also done to me. I have given them so much grace that they did not deserve from me.

I do not think nor am I implying that Teelia is an irredeemable, evil person. I don't think they can't change. Like I stated in my Lupis comment, I don't see things in black or white and I understand nuance, but like Lupis, Teelia has shown over and over that they are not willing to change their ways. They are trying to play victim while still being the same vindictive, mean Teelia I knew back then.

I do not think Teelia is inherently a danger to children, but I do not think they should be immersing themselves in their child to minor audience as they have been, at least in their current state. They have continued to farm art, designs, animations, free labor, etc. from their audience. It's weird and a very obvious exploitation of their power dynamic they have over their fans.

Whether or not Teelia thinks or says that there is no power dynamic between them and their audience, it is there inherently. Just because they say there is none doesn't automatically make it true; that is not how power imbalances work. There is literally no way for them to interact with their fans without there being a power imbalance- That comes with the territory of being a content creator, book author, and publisher such as themselves. You literally can not cut the very, very obvious power dynamic from any sort of interaction they make. I do not know how anymore obvious I can make this to people that try to brush this off. You can disagree with the fact whether this should happen, but it does not negate the fact that it is still happening. I do not blame Teelia for not being aware of this sort of thing before, but they have been told about this. Teelia knows about this power imbalance now and still exploits it.

I have no dog in this race regarding this part, but I wholeheartedly believe that Teelia was malicious to Cylynix. Whether or not you think that Cylynix has gone about writing it in a wrong way, it does not negate what she has been put through by Teelia. I would like to talk about a few disgusting things I've seen people trying to propose to disprove their story.

Looking at the doc, Teelia very much is/was using Cylynix to farm art once again.

It seems that Teelia does this all the time. I know offhand that they have done this before with a specific user in their Phia Server. Teelia talked to me about a fan of theirs that they did not like, vocally told me that they didn't like them, and was trying to get me to help them with finding art that they thought that they made that could be used against the fan to say that the fan was tracing their art. At the same time, the fan was making Teelia art near constantly and Teelia was requesting art from them.

According to Teelia, they had a valid reason to dislike the fan as they were drawing suggestive art of their characters and of Teelia's characters (I have not seen this art, but I am taking Teelia's word on this.) but I find it highly questionable that on one side of their mouth they are complaining about a user to me while with the other side of their mouth responding to requests by them, asking for art of their characters.

I saw users saying that Cylynix should of known that drawing NSFW as a minor was wrong; That's easy to say with hindsight. Cylynix says that they also regret posing NSFW as a minor. I do not know what Cylynix has gone through, nor am I about to theorize, but children drawing sexual things can be an indicator. It could mean nothing more than a child being curious to children being groomed to something more extreme like CSA. Regardless of age, I know Teelia knows this.

Teelia has used my trauma against me, and used their trauma as a justification for their actions. They have been known to do this, have very obviously used it against Cylynix, and is still using it as they have used it in their latest post.

Teelia is within their right to want to not associate with NSFW, but I would like to note the hypocrisy if we are to apply the same 'no suggestive/NSFW' stance to their story Bourgeois- It is infringing on their own stance. Teelia has told me to my face how 'naughty' and 'saucy' the story was, and that was prior to what it was originally going by their word; I do not know if it still is. But it is a weird stance to take to say 'no NSFW around you' yet produce this 'naughty' story of yours to the side. I question if it is  still going to be published under your name/publishing company. I am not saying they are not allowed to produce that type of content; I am not here to dictate what they do or don't do, I do not care at the end of the day. It is questionable though, especially with their minor audience they like to say they have.

Last words to Teelia's fans: Do not take the sole word of a creator or someone you like/are friends with. There are two sides to a story. Cylynix has provided proof to their claims and Teelia has just said to trust them. Err on the side of caution and remove yourself from the situation as a fan. Creators are very accessible nowadays with social media and the likes and not all of them are looking out for whats best for you. This isn't even about Teelia at this point; Minors in general are at more danger nowadays on the internet. Be safe out there.

I have already sent Teelia my last words when I demanded back my stolen characters. I have nothing more to say to her.

I am sorry for how long this is. I wanted to put down everything I want or need to talk about in this conversation so I can be done with this. I thank you if you have read all of this and kept an open mind. After this post, I am done talking about this person. Ive already given up too much of my time with this (and to be honest i am just very tired of people asking me about Teelia in general and me explaining everything lol) so if you're tired of me talking abt them then good news! I'm not expanding on anything regarding them after this as it would all be opinion based.

I do not care about a response from Teelia after this. The only notification I want from them is when they give me back my two characters lol

Anyways look at this picture of my cat she looks so fat
