Euphony of Light

This is the first, primary AU of Forgotten Shadow. The folder mainly exists for internal organization, but any tab marked EoL for the Forgotten Shadow cast belongs here.

The story takes place in a fantasy world. Prince Euphranor and Princess Aine belonged to the royal family of Ringmar, an extremely isolated desert nation. One day, their kingdom is attacked by faceless invaders that came out of thin air, and the pair is kidnapped by an eccentric mage and told that their kingdom's attackers come from an artificial dimension that is unstable and at risk of consuming the original one. Given two magical swords, the pair are grudgingly enlisted in helping the mage (Kadri) destroy the artificial dimension as they try to get back home to help their people.

The world building for this story has been a bit haphazard, and so time period wise (as in the kind of tech and architecture and fashion it has) it's currently in a confused flux between medieval, 19th century, and early 20th century (no later than 1930s).