Underworld Grooms

Grooms of the Underworld

A comic that I'm currently working on. I had plans to release it this year, but may push it back to earlier 2022.

A story about an unexpected marriage of convenience between two classes of divine beings, Prince Karun from the heavens, and Prince Chetan of the underworld—and an inseparable bond between the two that will shake the entire cosmos. 

A fallen deity named Karun is banished from the heavenly realms and sent to the underworld in the kingdom of Vitala, but the entire universe is astonished to find out that Karun and the Prince of Vitala himself have decided to get married. 

[[ A fantasy comic inspired by Hindu cosmology (the 14 planes of existence) and theology. This story has NOT been based in, or includes any real deities or folklore, so please treat this as a sort of desi fantasy world with theological and cultural inspirations. ]]