
dawnstar troop

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welcome to dawnstar

it's taken some time to pass through the dense forest on the way to this place. dappled light filters through the treetops, and the leaves sway slightly, giving everything an almost magical appearance. the path is clear and the brush around you is mostly quiet, save for the soft rush of water nearby and the occasional bird call from somewhere far off. a break in the trees becomes more apparent, and the sound of water gets louder.

the forest parts, giving way to a wide field with numerous buildings off in the distance, including several small cottages and a large, working windmill nearby. the entire clearing is surrounded by trees, with mountains to the north. in the village, numerous puffkins go about their business. welcome to the rising sun.

welcome to dawnstar.

troop members



troop leader

the good-natured leader of the dawnstar troop, eleanor does everything she can to help her fellow puffkins. she works hard to keep dawnstar running smoothly, and her cool headed attitude is an anchor point for the rest of her troop. she prides herself on her rational decision making but can be stubborn about bad choices.



penelope is incredibly calm and relatively kind, although her cold language often makes it hard to tell. she's level-headed and doesn't get angry easily, and while she isn't great at brilliant ideas, her fantastic strength makes her an incredibly useful member of the troop. she is ellie's second-in-command.


troop member

ever bright and always optimistic, shiloh is full of good ideas and eagerly leaps from one new project to the next. he can be a bit air-headed, but he always means well. shiloh gets distracted easily and almost never manages to finish what he's working on, but he approaches every task with infectious amounts of enthusiasm.
troop information

welcome to dawnstar troop! this is a puffkin troop, a species based in chicken smoothie. this page is where i'll record troop progress and other relevant information! if you have any questions or wish to inquire about a troop affiliation / collaberation, feel free to message me on here or on any of the other websites i'm on, found on my profile!

  • troop level ;; 2 [puffling]
  • troop clan ;; dream clan
  • maximum number of puffkins ;; 5
  • current number of puffkins ;; 3
leveling information

level 0: new blood

  • βœ“ Make your troop's den thread
  • βœ“ Create a troop motto. (10+ words)
  • βœ“ Create your troops's crest/dream catcher
  • βœ“ Create/ Adopt your Chief and get them approved

level 1: first steps

  • βœ“ Describe your troop's crest and the meaning behind it (50+ words)
  • βœ“ Write or draw about your puffkin interacting with a new member of their troop (100+ words or 1 art piece)
  • βœ“ Draw or describe your chief giving a member of your troop a tour around the camp.
  • βœ“ Describe or sketch your current base camp/territory (150+ words)

level 2: puffling

  • βœ“ Create a personality or backstory for one of your troop members. (100+ words)
  • β–Ά Your troop happens across another troop. How do the two troops interact? Will an alliance form? Draw or describe your troop leader meeting with another leader from a different troop. (100 + words or 1 art piece. If art, it can be a collab. You must interact with someone else in the same clan that you chose to complete this task.)
  • βœ“ Describe a typical day at your troop’s camp. (100+ words)

level 3: first expedition

  • β–Ά Explore the unknown. Write about a member of your troop exploring the neutral territory and what leads them to do it. (250+ words)
  • βœ“ Create a personality or a backstory for two more members of your troop. (100+ words)
  • β–Ά Draw or describe a time a Puffkin within your troop interacting with an item within the main plaza. (150+ words. Plaza can be found on the map)

level 4: preparations

  • β–Ά Your troop is about to be visited by your clan’s leader. What could it be for? How do they prepare for their arrival? (250 + words of one art piece)
  • β–Ά Draw or Describe any traditions your troop has created during their time in the neutral grounds. (150+ words or 1 art piece)
  • β–Ά When not busy with troop tasks, what do your puffkins like to do for fun? (1 art piece or 100+ words)

level 5: branching off

  • β–Ά It’s time for your troop to venture off into the heart of your clan’s land. How does your chief feel about the change? (250 + words)
  • β–Ά With leaving for the main clan lands, what are some of the essential things your troop decides to bring. You may either draw these items and give a small explanation or describe them (100+ words )
  • β–Ά Your troop happens to stumble upon a troop in the opposing clan. What do they do? Step with caution or challenge them? You decide.
troop beliefs

work in progress !!

  • xxx
troop traditions

work in progress !!

  • xxx
festival days










Extra Info



care for elders/young


troop diet


troop daily habits

most members of the dawnstar troop are up before the twilight is over, early enough to watch the sunrise. not everyone follows this daily ritual, but for the more spiritual puffkins it helps them to center themselves and prepare for the day. no work takes place before the dawn. anyone up early enough to watch the sunrise waits until the star is firmly in place. there's an almost heavenly serenity in the area, as light pours forth onto the valley.

after the sun is in place, work begins for the troop. everyone has a job to do; there's patrolling the aube forest and the hunting and gathering that also takes place there. the dawnstar troop also has members look after the forest, making sure that the woods are healthy and well kept. others still tend the fields,and some crops are grown there. some puffkins work exclusively within the village, working on upkeep of the buildings and other necessary jobs. while the work can be hard, for the most part the dawnstar trop tries to take it easy. everyone eats when they want to, and plenty of rests are taken throughout the day.

when night starts to fall, the many members of the troop come together once more for a final big meal. everyone spends time together and they consider it an important part of bonding as dawnstar. the only members who don't participate are those on long range missions, and even they take time out of the night to be there in spirit. no one works at night; the dawnstar is considered safe and protected without the need of show of force. everyone returns to their respective homes in the village and sleeps until the next day.

troop crest

World info

dawnstar is not a perfect troop. eleanor struggles to be leader, with her kind heart but stubborn ways, and there are times the troop struggles to make headway in the dreamscape, but their intentions have always been good. every member knows the importance of not giving up, even when it seems like quitting is the only option left. this thought inspired their motto, which reflects their outlook on life.

while the sun sets every evening, dawnstar chooses to remind itself that the faraway star also rises every morning, and every dawn brings new opportunities to succeed where there may have been failure in the past. their crest attempts to capture this moment of serenity and self-realization, where the night gives way to the day and the sun heralds new beginnings. the brightness of the sky beyond the sun in the center speaks to this hopefulness. the star in the center references the troop's full name, dawnstar.


dawnstar territory

map locations

aube forest

aube forest is much loved in the dawnstar troop for the soft glow of the sun that shines through the trees and the generally friendly atmosphere it seems to give off. a popular area for exploring and foraging, many dawnstar members go on their first adventures in this forest before venturing further into the dreamscape. aube forest extends far beyond the dawnstar territory, and surrounds much of the landscape beyond them.

daybreak ruins

the daybreak ruins have been in this location for a long time, and were the initial reason that the dawnstar troop chose to settle in this area of the dreamscape. it is tightly linked with clan mythology and is an important aspect of many festivals. troop members are discouraged to travel there unless with explicit permission from the troop leader.

tianchi lake and river

the tianchi lake and river are an important aspect of the culture and lives of the dawnstar troop. they get food primarily from fishing and farming, and the lake and river have provided a bounty for a long time. there are certain rumors that a monster lives in tianchi lake, although it has yet to make an appearance. most older puffkins disregard these silly notions.

the festival site

the dawnstar troop hosts many festivals throughout the year and all of these are held in an area of the tianchi lake known simply as the festival site. the dirt and grass have been tramped down from the many festivities held in this location, most having to do with the sun or the break of dawn. on some nights, singing can be heard from the troop which echoes past the mountains and off into the void beyond the dreamscape.

base camp

ellie's windmill


penelope's blacksmith


shiloh's cottage


work in progress

wip !!


work in progress


  • xxx
  • xxx
  • xxx
troop inventory


  • 2x common edit
  • 1x uncommon edit

troop affiliations

Designed by Designer

troop name
  • troop relation information
troop name
  • troop relation information
species credits

  • puffkins created by credit @ toyhouse / @ cs
  • primary puffkin lines created by credit @ toyhouse / @ cs
  • stories written on this troop page [dawnstar troop] created by me
  • puffkins belonging to the dawnstar troop all belong to me and theft will not be tolerated

Made by MoonLotus-Hime | HTML Link >Special thanks for all code used<

Extra: Lil thanks to Saphflora editing this to make it Mobile friendly.

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