derangedleech's Profile Comments

this profile is gay

You can smell it from MILES away


Nose to the ground, seeking the f*gs

i saw some unfinished designs in my inbox and wanted to offer on one but the page was not found! were they deleted?

Nope! I hoarded a buuuuuuncha designs into a special profile to open once my current queue is done to be worked on as they sell, but which one exactly did you see that you wanted? I can hold it or even do it soonish if you are serious/want it?

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Your art greatly inspires me. I love how flexible your art style is, you have impeccable range! 

Thank you so much omg????

OF COURSE. I would love to draw one of your characters one day. If that's alright with you? You have so many interesting designs, the creativity is insane! :D

Of course it is!!! I honestly love fanart! And thank you ;; honestly kind words like yours are what keep me sharing my creations

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Thank you SO much ;;

Your transformers give me life :y 💙

Heehee they do be sillies I need to draw them more, I miss my mecha era

absolutely love your mythos designs, especially your pixiu !

Thank you! !!!

Your character designs are gorgeou!

Thank you!

just wanted 2 say that ur art is hella funky !! [chefs kiss]

;; thank you so much dude!!!!

sorry for the fav spam, ive been meaning to fav some but i forgot and did it all at once. love the funky-looking avatars you have. your art is really nice

Haha it's no issue! Thank you kindly <3

hiii your art is really cool!! I'm wondering if you do commissions? Specifically i would really like art of a dino character and your dino art is really cool. Let me know if you do!!

Aaah thank you so much! And I indeed do! My website with pricing is here:

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Wtf thank you SO much it's honoring to hear!!! <3 <3 <3

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Thank you so so much!!

I'd favourite all your characters if i could, your art is so inspiring! And it's amazing how much detail and emotion you can get into your art.

;; aaaa thank you so so much!!

Your characters are all so cute~!!! I love them all so much!

Thank you so much!!!


I'm in love with and all I can see is a face

I must know m o r e about this lovely child

Oh gosh that doll. I need to finish her page but she is a shapeshifting goblin called a pwyca and usually looks like a rabbit/goat/fjord hybridt thing

Well I love what I can see!!!

My phone sent the comment twice pls ignore this

Oh. My. Freaking. Lord.

That is certainly the very top notch of a character collection. I am amazed, jealous and even more amazed. I love all your characters!

Congratulations for every single thing here! 

I am so very late to respond but thank you??? So much??? I've barely even dumped a fourth of my OC's here I have many many more to share but hearing this made my night before bed so much better thank you ;w;

I send so many good vibes, and lots of love to your characters too! I skimmed and they're wonderful!

[plants a pixel garden in here] 🌷 🌷 🌼 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌼 🌷 🌷

Happiest sounds



