devaneios's Profile Comments

Update comment because I don't want to get rid of the to-do list. If you want to talk, please reply to this.

Slowly trying to be more active, but I think I'll just stick around my own profile now, unless it's for art trades or art games and such. Please don't ask me to RP.

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Hello there, and thank you kindly! ^-^

Just wondering; where's your Duckverse characters because I really liked them?

Oh! I've turned their profiles private a while back because I was anxious I might've been bothering others with my obscure ships. But it makes me happy you like them. ^-^

Thanks for answer! I don't mind your Duckverse ships but I understand some people hate ships that they don't like.

Oh, WOW! I just found your art -- your style is just my cup of tea. Very expressive and fun to look at. Subbed!!

Thank you very much for your kind words! I appreciate it! ^w^

I love your icon 👀✨

Thank you kindly! ^^ I think your icon is adorable too! :3

Notice: I apologize for vanishing from the forum games. ^^; I've been feeling down lately, so for the time being, I don't have the energy to participate in the RP games. >__<'

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!!! Thank you very much! I'm happy you think so! ;w;

Oii Hanss :))

Oi Sany! :D (Desculpa por demorar pra responder, haha! xwx)

Sem problemas. É muito bom ter você por aqui <3

Resolvi dar uma chance ao Toyhouse. ha 2 anos achei muito complicado e acabei deixando pra depois ;--;

Haha, eu entendo! Que bom que decidiu dar uma chance ao! ^^

Se você precisar de ajuda com qualquer coisa, é só me chamar! :3

*random flying hug!!!*

*flying hugs back* :v

Hello Hans! :3

Hello ! :3

Your icon looks like it's ready to steal my girlfriend wat

Because James IS ready to steal your girlfriend ;)


*Hugs back*

It's been a while, but I guess I'm back (?). Currently updating Mido's profile :3!