
Napsterbot is an Undertale OC that's the result of cringe twitter RP. In-universe they're an AGI (artificial general intelligence) based on Napstablook because they're my favourite character. The different Napsterbots here are AU versions of the original one (Napsterbot 01) because that's just what we did in 2016 and though they're all technically the same guy, I consider them separate characters at this point.

Although Napsterbots have different builds and styles, they are all non-binary and exclusively use they/them pronouns. Any use of gendered terms are purely in a (gender neutral) way. This includes Pink. Since Napsterbot bodies are mainly soft silicone that's meant to emulate skin, they'll have the appearance of having muscles and such but they're still artificial robots... They get regularly backed up to the cloud so if anything were to happen to their physical body, they'll still live on somewhere. Some of them have backup robots back home so they'll just load into one of those I guess.

Napsterbots are NOT open/closed species or anything like that, they're my personal OCs and they mean the world to me. Peace and love on the planet earth

Profiles WIP

napsterbot splatoon layout fantroll inkling robot octoling HTML cookie run cookie deltarune utdr darkner deltarune chapter 3 html wiki lowblood prospit human F2U