


imagine confessing to your crush and they get possessed by a demon because of it and then you have to save him from his impending death while your little sister tags along. could not be me. could be cyrus though


  • i made this up all the way back in middle school and i just ran with it so it's not very smart but bear with me

. subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.

. subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.

. subtitle

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae semper eros. Aenean rutrum massa et libero egestas posuere. Nam auctor sapien vitae enim pellentesque congue. Nunc venenatis sed erat non vulputate. In blandit sem eu mi luctus imperdiet. Praesent sed elit eget neque sollicitudin porttitor quis id purus. Vivamus ultrices interdum ornare. Praesent nisl ligula, auctor sed ipsum sit amet, semper consequat turpis.



People with a mythological creature present in them or the creature present in the person.

  • there are no "angel" allegories
  • demon allegories in the more traditional sense technically exist, but they die in the womb or at birth

. how they work:

  • they can't mix together or be passed down, they are not genetic.

  • in the case of twins, features from the allegory will be split between them. (ex. both only have one horn each despite being an allegory of something with two horns)

  • it's possible to not have an allegory at all, though it's uncommon.

  • some allegories more rare than others but only minorly as in it's not hugely noticeably. the only exception would be dominions.

  • powers/weaknesses from a person's allegory can show up in themselves but it'll be considerably dulled down. (ex. werewolves could fully tranform between a wolf and a fully human form, werewolf allegories might change but only minorly, like getting longer nails or hair temporarily)

  • a person can't fully look like their allegory unless the allegory itself was already very human looking.

  • when somebody dies, the allegory will leave their body and they will also lose all features related to it. even if the person ends up getting "revived" or something, it'll be a permanent change.


Immortal mythical creatures that are highly respected. They mostly live in the middle of nowhere in Los Angeles.

  • the only real physical part of them is their wings, their real appearance is incomprehensible to humans so human's brains will sort of make up an appearance for them.
  • there is no way in hell i am designing like a billion alternate appearances depending on who is seeing the character so i just stick with one character's pov for their designs. super's design is from cyus's pov, vid's design is from vein's pov, ira's design is from nikki's pov.

. angels v.s. dominions:

  • the actual creatues of dominions themselves aren't equal to angels and are a weaker counterpart that as a result are diminished into being allegories than separate entities like angels.

  • dominion allegories have halos which appear around any part of the body such as for example a wrist or the hips. halos are not present in angels.

  • the closer halos are to the top of the head, the more a person is seen as closer to divinity or an angel.

  • angels have much larger wings that that of a dominion.


Mythical creatures banished similiarly to allegories but are uniquely fatal. They possess people and prey on any unfortunate soul to encounter them and their vessel dies shortly after.

  • similar to angels, the only real part of their physical appearence is their horns. temper's design is from diesel's pov.
  • anybody they possess grows the horns of the demon doing the possessing temporarily.

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